Roman swords ‘in almost mint condition’ discovered after 1,900 years in ᴅᴇᴀᴅ Sea cave

Roman swords ‘in almost mint condition’ discovered after 1,900 years in ᴅᴇᴀᴅ Sea cave

Four remarkably preserved Roman swords “in almost mint condition” — with their wooden and leather hilts and steel blades still intact after 1,900 years — have been…

Reveаling the Countenаnce of Egyрt’s Greаtest Phаrаoh: A Dіgіtal Exаminаtion of Rаmesses II

Reveаling the Countenаnce of Egyрt’s Greаtest Phаrаoh: A Dіgіtal Exаminаtion of Rаmesses II

Section 1: Revealing the Digital Dissection In the annals of Egyptian history, Ramesses II is hailed as one of the most revered pharaohs. While ancient depictions have portrayed him as a handsome and godly figure, the mummy of Ramesses II offers limited insights into his physical appearance. However, a collaboration between researchers at Liverpool John […]

The Largest Preserved Human Poop Ever Found: The Lloyds Bank Coprolite

The Largest Preserved Human Poop Ever Found: The Lloyds Bank Coprolite

In one of the moѕt unexрected аnd fаscinаting аrchаeologicаl dіscoverіes, the Lloydѕ Bаnk Coрrolite holdѕ the tіtle of the lаrgest рreserved humаn рooр ever uneаrthed. Belіeved to hаve been рroduced by а Vіkіng іn the 9th сentury AD , thіs extrаordinаry аrtifаct hаs gаrnered globаl аttention аnd іs now vаlued аt аn іmpressіve $39,000 . […]

This is ‘the most terrifying sound in the world’ — hear the Aztec Death Whistle

This is ‘the most terrifying sound in the world’ — hear the Aztec Death Whistle

For those who want to celebrate Halloween like it’s 1399: Scientists are sending shivers down the internet’s collective spine by recreating an ancient “Aztec Death Whistle” that’s…

Archaeologists find medieval skeleton with ‘sophisticated’ iron prosthetic hand in Germany

Archaeologists find medieval skeleton with ‘sophisticated’ iron prosthetic hand in Germany

Archaeologists in Germany uncovered the remains of a medieval man with a “sophisticated” centuries-old iron prosthetic hand. The complete skeleton of a middle-aged man at the time…

Wife buried next to husband for 1,000 years had face hollowed out — historians aren’t sure why

Wife buried next to husband for 1,000 years had face hollowed out — historians aren’t sure why

Archaeologists are scratching their heads over the 1,000-year-old remains of a woman, buried next to her husband, with her face and head hollowed out. The curious couple…

Unearthed skeletons reveal prehistoric Mafia-style torture-killings

Unearthed skeletons reveal prehistoric Mafia-style torture-killings

The bodies of two women buried more than 5,500 years ago are suspected to be victims of human sacrifice, researchers suggest. An investigation of the remains, which…

Black Noise (2023)

Black Noise (2023)

Black Noise is a psychological thriller that delves into the world of experimental sound and its effects on the human psyche. Directed by TBA, the film follows Dr. Elena Ramirez, a neuroscientist who discovers a frequency known as “black noise” that can manipulate emotions and induce hallucinations. As she tests the frequency on volunteers, unforeseen […]

Peleș Castle, a Romanian treasure hidden in the mountains

Peleș Castle, a Romanian treasure hidden in the mountains

Peleș Castle was commissioned by King Carol I of Romania in 1873, and it took more than a decade to complete the initial construction.

The Walhalla in Bavaria, a Timeless Tribute to German Culture

The Walhalla in Bavaria, a Timeless Tribute to German Culture

Nestled high above the Danube River in Bavaria, Walhalla Bavaria stands as a majestic monument of neoclassical architecture, offering breathtaking views of the surrounding landscape.