Archaeologist Discovered Grauballe man, a preserved bog body from the 3rd century B.C
Archaeologist Discovered Grauballe man, a preserved bog body from the 3rd century B.C Two years after the discovery of the Tollund man, another bog body was found…

2000-year-old marble thrones at the ancient theatre of Amphiareion in Oropos,
2000-year-old marble thrones at the ancient theatre of Amphiareion in Oropos, Greece. The Amphiareion at Oropos, sanctuary of the hero Amphiaraos, was greatly famed and frequented by…
Arms outstretched, a terrified mother and child before they were entombed by ash: Restoration work begins on bodies of those who died when Vesuvius engulfed PompeiiArms outstretched, a terrified mother and child before they were entombed by ash: Restoration work begins on bodies of those who died when Vesuvius engulfed Pompeii
Entombed in ash for more than 1,900 years, the tragic story behind this haunting image of what appears to be a child resting on its terrified mother’s…

Tigran II the Great, King of Armenia, was a descendant of the Alani royalty
Ancient Armenian King Tigran II The Great Artashessian,1st century BC, who according to genealogical records descends from a long line of Alani Royalty. According to ancient Armenian…
The “Oldest Gold Of Mankind” was found in the Varna Necropolis
The “Oldest Gold Of Mankind” was found in the Varna Necropolis, on The Bulgarian Black Sea Coast In 1972, an excavator operator working in the industrial zone…

30 Uñas Cuadradas Divertidas para Inspirarte
El arte de uñas se ha convertido en una forma de arte por sí misma, permitiéndote expresar tu personalidad y creatividad a través de tus manos. Una tendencia que ha estado ganando popularidad en el […]

35 Ideas Divertidas de Uñas para Inspirarte
Cuando se trata de expresar tu estilo y personalidad únicos, tus uñas pueden ser un lienzo para la creatividad. Si estás cansada de las clásicas uñas ɴuᴅᴇ o en forma de almendra, es hora de […]

30 Nuevas Tendencias de Arte en Uñas para Inspirarte
El arte de uñas se ha convertido en una fascinante forma de autoexpresión, y el mundo de las manicuras está en constante evolución con nuevas tendencias y estilos. Ya seas una entusiasta del arte de […]

The Beauty of Loulan is the preserved ᴅᴇᴀᴅ body of a woman who lived about 4000 years ago, during the Bronze Age. She was found on April…
The Jockey of Artemision is a large Hellenistic bronze statue of a young boy riding a horse, dated to around 150–140 BC.
The Jockey of Artemision is a large Hellenistic bronze statue of a young boy riding a horse, dated to around 150–140 BC. It is a rare surviving…