The “Oldest Gold Of Mankind” was found in the Varna Necropolis

The “Oldest Gold Of Mankind” was found in the Varna Necropolis, on The Bulgarian Black Sea Coast In 1972, an excavator operator working in the industrial zone…

30 Uñas Cuadradas Divertidas para Inspirarte

30 Uñas Cuadradas Divertidas para Inspirarte

El arte de uñas se ha convertido en una forma de arte por sí misma, permitiéndote expresar tu personalidad y creatividad a través de tus manos. Una tendencia que ha estado ganando popularidad en el […]

35 Ideas Divertidas de Uñas para Inspirarte

35 Ideas Divertidas de Uñas para Inspirarte

Cuando se trata de expresar tu estilo y personalidad únicos, tus uñas pueden ser un lienzo para la creatividad. Si estás cansada de las clásicas uñas ɴuᴅᴇ o en forma de almendra, es hora de […]

30 Nuevas Tendencias de Arte en Uñas para Inspirarte

30 Nuevas Tendencias de Arte en Uñas para Inspirarte

El arte de uñas se ha convertido en una fascinante forma de autoexpresión, y el mundo de las manicuras está en constante evolución con nuevas tendencias y estilos. Ya seas una entusiasta del arte de […]

The Beauty of Loulan is the preserved ᴅᴇᴀᴅ body of a woman who lived about 4000 years ago, during the Bronze Age. She was found on April…

The Jockey of Artemision is a large Hellenistic bronze statue of a young boy riding a horse, dated to around 150–140 BC.

The Jockey of Artemision is a large Hellenistic bronze statue of a young boy riding a horse, dated to around 150–140 BC. It is a rare surviving…

1400-year-old warrior burial ground reveals German fighters came from near and far

1400-year-old warrior burial ground reveals German fighters came from near and far

An elaborately decorated early medieval double-sided bone comb, found in a warrior’s grave in Fridingen, Germany. To protect the delicate tines, the comb was kept in a…

In 2002, archaeologists uncovered the world’s oldest known wooden wheel in the marshlands near Ljubljana, Slovenia, dating back over 5,000 years

In 2002, archaeologists uncovered the world’s oldest known wooden wheel in the marshlands near Ljubljana, Slovenia, dating back over 5,000 years

The Ljubljana Marshes Wheel is a wooden wheel that was found in the Ljubljana Marshes some 20 kilometres (12 mi) south of Ljubljana, the capital of Slovenia, in 2002….

The skull of an Anasazi woman dating to the Pueblo I Period (750 to 900 CE)

The skull of an Anasazi woman dating to the Pueblo I Period (750 to 900 CE)

The skull of an Anasazi woman dating to the Pueblo I Period (750 to 900 CE), discovered with the embedded arrowhead that killed her at about 20…

Tesla CEO Elon Musk Unveils First Electric Car Capable of Flying!

Tesla CEO Elon Musk Unveils First Electric Car Capable of Flying!

Α Visioп of thᴇ Fυtυrᴇ Bᴇcomᴇs Rᴇality For yᴇars, Ꭼloп Mυsk has tᴇasᴇd thᴇ possibility of flyiпg cars, hiпtiпg at a fυtυrᴇ whᴇrᴇ ᴇlᴇctric vᴇhiclᴇs (ᎬVs) coυld…