Arсhaeologists unсover 2,500-yeаr-old Egyрtian tombѕ сontaining mummіes wіth gold tongueѕ

Arсhaeologists unсover 2,500-yeаr-old Egyрtian tombѕ сontaining mummіes wіth gold tongueѕ

A Sрanish аrchаeologicаl mіssіon hаs been exсavating beneаth the сity of El-Bаhnаsа, Egyрt, for 30 yeаrs аnd hаs dіscovered mаny tombѕ from dіfferent dynаsties. The рaрyrus textѕ uneаrthed here сontinue to bаffle аrchаeologicаl exрerts. Reсently, they uneаrthed two 2,500-yeаr-old mummіes wіth golden tongueѕ. Egyрtian аrchаeologists hаve dіscovered аncient tombѕ сontaining mummіes wіth golden tongueѕ іn […]

Uncover the mysteries of extraterrestrial connections as mindblowing videos reveal secrets beyond our understanding.

Uncover the mysteries of extraterrestrial connections as mindblowing videos reveal secrets beyond our understanding.

The 1920s, often remembered as a time of jazz, prohibition, and cultural change, may have also been a decade of mysterious extraterrestrial encounters that have been largely…

Unearthed A groundbreaking discovery of an ancient UFO device that’s rewriting human history as we know it.

Unearthed A groundbreaking discovery of an ancient UFO device that’s rewriting human history as we know it.

Archaeologists have recently revealed a stunning discovery: an ancient UFO device has been unearthed during an archaeological excavation, raising questions about the origins of human history. This…

The mystery of the creepy coffin discovered under Notre-Dame cathedral is SOLVED: Scientists finally reveal the idenтιтy of the disease-ridden body dubbed ‘The Horseman’

The mystery of the creepy coffin discovered under Notre-Dame cathedral is SOLVED: Scientists finally reveal the idenтιтy of the disease-ridden body dubbed ‘The Horseman’

Following the devastating Notre-Dame cathedral fire of 2019, Paris authorities were intrigued when they uncovered two lead-lined coffins 65 feet below the church floor. One skeleton was…

Now THAT’s what you call vintage! Scientists extract DNA from the world’s oldest cheese – discovered on the heads and necks of 3,600-year-old Chinese mummies

Now THAT’s what you call vintage! Scientists extract DNA from the world’s oldest cheese – discovered on the heads and necks of 3,600-year-old Chinese mummies

A good vintage cheddar is a staple on any decent cheeseboard. But while most varieties are aged for around 12 months, this pales in comparison to the…

Archaeologists Unearth Ancient Roman Cemetery Full of Jewelry, Coins and Clothing

Archaeologists Unearth Ancient Roman Cemetery Full of Jewelry, Coins and Clothing

Discovered north of Rome, the burial ground lies near what was once an upper-class villa An ancient Roman burial ground filled with treasure has been discovered in…

PORTAL TO UNDERWORLD Mystery of ancient 3,000-year-old ‘door to hell’ dedicated to Aztec god is SOLVED after it was stolen from hidden cave

PORTAL TO UNDERWORLD Mystery of ancient 3,000-year-old ‘door to hell’ dedicated to Aztec god is SOLVED after it was stolen from hidden cave

THE mystery of an ancient 3,000-year-old “door to hell” dedicated to an Aztec god has been solved after it was stolen from a hidden cave. The Mexican artefact, called the…

Iraq Dig Uncovers 5,000 Year Old Pub Restaurant

Iraq Dig Uncovers 5,000 Year Old Pub Restaurant

Archaeologists in southern Iraq have uncovered the remains of a tavern dating back nearly 5,000 years they hope will illuminate the lives of ordinary people in the…

GRAVE WARNING Archaeologists’ shock find after opening 2,000-year-old ‘tomb of Cerberus’ – & eerie reason experts feared opening grave

GRAVE WARNING Archaeologists’ shock find after opening 2,000-year-old ‘tomb of Cerberus’ – & eerie reason experts feared opening grave

ARCHAEOLOGISTS have uncovered a 2,000-year-old sarcophagus with perfectly-preserved ancient mummies inside. The “unprecedented” discovery was made in the historic “tomb of Cerberus” in Naples, Italy. The remains had…

SHAPESHIFTERS Prehistoric drawings of alien-like half-human creatures found on Amazon cliff-face in baffling ‘supernatural’ mystery

SHAPESHIFTERS Prehistoric drawings of alien-like half-human creatures found on Amazon cliff-face in baffling ‘supernatural’ mystery

PREHISTORIC wall paintings uncovered deep inside the Amazon rainforest depict animal-human hybrids and alien-like creatures. Instead of pointing to the existence of paranormal beings, researchers believe the eyebrow-raising…