Extreme drought in Texas revealed 110-million-year-old dinosaur tracks

Extreme drought in Texas revealed 110-million-year-old dinosaur tracks

More than 60 dinosaur tracks have been unearthed in Dinosaur Valley State Park in Glen Rose, Texas. In the arid conditions of Texas which have been experiencing…

Jason McCourty shades ‘poor Giants fans’ after jawdropping Saquon Barkley play

Jason McCourty shades ‘poor Giants fans’ after jawdropping Saquon Barkley play

Giants fans were catching strays from CBS NFL analyst Jason McCourty. McCourty was calling Sunday’s game between the Eagles and Jaguars when Saquon Barkley made a highlight…

Ancient DNA reveals the truth about Vikings

Ancient DNA reveals the truth about Vikings

In the popular imagination, the term Viking conjures up images of fierce, blond-haired, blue-eyed men sailing the seas and plundering coastal towns. But were the Vikings the…

Giants are in franchise hell with embarrᴀssments piling up

Giants are in franchise hell with embarrᴀssments piling up

They trudged out of MetLife Stadium again, after watching their quarterback who cannot win at home and a once-proud defense that crumbles in every big moment and was an…

Mysterious ancient laser cut caves were found in India!

Mysterious ancient laser cut caves were found in India!

Apair of rock-cut landforms can be found in India’s Jehanabad area’s Barabar and Nagarjuni hills, of which the Lomas Rishi cave is the most stunning and completely…

Trash-talking Commanders fan takes scary tumble down MetLife Stadium seats in viral video

Trash-talking Commanders fan takes scary tumble down MetLife Stadium seats in viral video

One rowdy Commanders fan might have been dealt some scary comeuppance from the football gods while trash-talking during his team’s win over the Giants on Sunday. Social…

10 Tons of Copper Coins unearthed in 2,000 years old Ancient Tomb

10 Tons of Copper Coins unearthed in 2,000 years old Ancient Tomb

Archaeologists have unearthed more than two million copper coins from an ancient complex of tombs in the Xinjian District of China. The 2,000-year-old money, which bears Chinese…

Neolithic boats excavated in the Mediterranean reveal advanced nautical technology

Neolithic boats excavated in the Mediterranean reveal advanced nautical technology

More than 7,000 years ago, people navigated the Mediterranean Sea using technologically sophisticated boats, according to a study published March 20, 2024, in the open-access journal PLOS ONE by…

Could This 150,000 Year Old Baigong Pipes Be Evidence Of An Advanced Chemical Fuel Facility?

Could This 150,000 Year Old Baigong Pipes Be Evidence Of An Advanced Chemical Fuel Facility?

A few years ago, researchers were perplexed by a series of archaeological discoveries unearthed around Qinghai Province near Mount Baigong near the city of Delingha, in southwestern…

Unсoverіng the Wаrrіor’ѕ Legасy: Inѕіghtѕ from а 10th Century Hungаrіаn Conqueѕt Perіod Burіаl

Unсoverіng the Wаrrіor’ѕ Legасy: Inѕіghtѕ from а 10th Century Hungаrіаn Conqueѕt Perіod Burіаl

Exаmple of the grаve 11 from the Hυпgаriап Coпqυeѕt рeriod сemetery of Karos-Eperjesszög: a) рictυre of the grаve (Révéѕz, 1999); апd b) recoпstrυctioп of the bυrіal mаde by Pаzirik Iпformаtikаi Kft for the exhіbіtіoп “Elіt аlаkυlаt” of the Hermап Ottó Mυѕeυm (Mіskolc, Hυпgаry). The ѕite of Karos-Eperjesszög іs loсated іп Northeаst Hυпgаry , іп the ѕo-called […]