Uruguayan Miners Accidentally Discover Stunning Heart-Shaped Amethyst Geode ‎

This uniquely shaped amethyst geode was spotted by Uruguay Minerals at the border of Uruguay and Brazil when workers broke open a rock that revealed a heart on…

3D Fish Fossil Found from the Early Jurᴀssic! It’s 183 Million Years Old and in Near-Perfect Condition ‎

A 3D fish fossil complete with eyeball was found alongside a host of marine animals in a farmer’s field in Gloucestershire, UK. The fossil is thought to…

Exploring the Basalt Pyramids of Amenemhet III: Unveiling Ancient Hieroglyphic Origins to the Sun-God ‎

The basalt pyramidion of Amenemhet III was found from his pyramid toppled from the peak of its structure and preserved relatively intact. Under a winged sun-disk are…

The king’s greatness: King Henry II’s 16th-century armor was made from a 94-pound Field of Cloth of Gold is one of the most complex and complete sets of armor ‎

Henry II, also known as Duke d’ Orleans, was a great monarch of the House of Valois and was King of France from 1547 until 1559. He was…

Fisherman found giant 75lb pearl worth $100 million – but kept the two-foot long gem under his bed for TEN YEARS as a good luck charm ‎

This giant pearl could be the biggest ever found in the world and five times larger than the previous record – after being handed in by a…

Man Finds Skeleton in His Backyard – Turns Out It’s the Largest Dinosaur Ever Found in Europe ‎

Imagine waking up one fine day, only to find out that one of the most gigantic creatures to have ever walked the Earth once resided in your…

A 1,700-year-old Female Mummy Adorned With Intricate Tattoos On Her Arms Has Emerged

A 1,700-year-old Female Mummy Adorned With Intricate Tattoos On Her Arms Has Emerged

Transporting us through time, a 1,700-year-old female mummy adorned with intricate tattoos on her arms has emerged as a captivating relic from the Nazca culture. This remarkable…

Ramses II (1303a.c.-1213a.c.) was the last great Pharaoh of Egypt, he lived to be 90 years old, had 152 offspring, was red-haired and measured 190cm when he was alive

Ramses II (1303a.c.-1213a.c.) was the last great Pharaoh of Egypt, he lived to be 90 years old, had 152 offspring, was red-haired and measured 190cm when he was alive

Ramses II, also known as Ramses the Great, was indeed one of ancient Egypt’s most renowned pharaohs, reigning from approximately 1279 to 1213 BC. However, some of…

The Mystery of the Mummy of Queen Tiye, wife of AmenH๏τep III and mother of Akhenaten.

The Mystery of the Mummy of Queen Tiye, wife of AmenH๏τep III and mother of Akhenaten.

The mummy of Queen Tiye was found within the second side chamber of the tomb of AmenH๏τep II. Found in 1898 by Victor Loret, it was discovered…

Mysterious ‘humanoid’ found with slanted eyes and elongated skull likened to ‘alien’

Mysterious ‘humanoid’ found with slanted eyes and elongated skull likened to ‘alien’

A mysterious foetus has been discovered in Colombia that scientists believe could be an ‘alien’ or from a ‘tiny humanoid’ civilisation that lived on Earth many years…