King Tutankhamun’s golden funerary Mask

Also known as Tutankhaten, was the antepenultimate pharaoh of the Eighteenth Dynasty of ancient Egypt. His death marked the end of the dynasty’s royal line. Tutankhamun ascended…

Ancient Egyptian mummies removed from coffins spark ‘Curse of the Pharaohs’ fears ‎

THE COFFINS of high-status ancient Egyptian Sennedjem and one of his wives have been cracked open at a museum in Egypt. The sarcophagi were unpacked in the…

UNESCO Asks Military to Protect Mali’s Cultural Heritage

MALI—UNESCO has asked French and Malian forces to protect the country’s ancient cultural heritage sites during air raids and ground attacks, by providing maps showing the locations…

Five Tombs Discovered in Luxor

LUXOR—Five tombs have been found hewn from the rock on the northern side of AmenH๏τep II’s temple by a team of Italian archaeologists. Each of the tombs…

Renovations Aim To Make Olympia More Inviting

OLYMPIA, GREECE—Greece’s Central Archaeological Council has approved several renovation projects for the site of Ancient Olympia. The projects, which include a road for pedestrians and bicycles, are focused…

Coins and Artifacts Looted From Buddhist Site in Pakistan

TAXILA—Coins and other artifacts from the Gandhara civilization are missing from a mound near Pakistan’s Mohra Muradu Stupa and Monastery, which dates to the fourth century A.D., and is listed…

More Than 300 Clay Figurines Found in Greek Neolithic Village

NEO MONASTIRI, GREECE—More than 300 clay figurines have been uncovered at the Neolithic site of Koutroulou Magoula in central Greece. The figurines represent males and females, and several depict…

New Analysis Suggests Egyptian Pharaoh Was Murdered

CAIRO, EGYPT—Forensic analysis of the Egyptian mummy of Ramesses III by scientists from the Insтιтute for Mummies and the Iceman suggests that he was murdered. CT scans revealed a…

The Tunnels Beneath Rome’s Baths of Caracalla

The first section of tunnels beneath Rome’s Baths of Caracalla  will soon open to tourists. Slaves used the tunnels to carry wood to the 50 ovens heating water for…

7,000 year old origins of ‘The Supreme Ultimate’

The ‘Supreme Ultimate’ diagram of Taoism, the Taijitu of Yin and Yang dates back in China to around a coupke of thousands years ago, yet its origins…