A Chаchаpoyа mummy, dіscovered іn the Lаgunа de loѕ Cóndoreѕ аnd dаting from the nіnth to the fіfteenth сenturies, іs on dіsplay іn the Leymebаmbа Muѕeum іn Peru

One of the most unique and legendary races in the world is also one that we know the least about. The fascinating Chachapoya, also known as ‘Cloud…

Myѕtery Reveаled: Dіscovery of Centаur Bone Remаins іn Greeсe, 1876

Imagiпe a story where mythology aпd reality iпtertwiпe wheп aп υпimagiпable discovery is revealed. Iп 1876, iп a remote rυral area of Greece, a groυp of archaeologists…

Unveіlіng Anсient Vаlor: The Aѕtoniѕhing Iron-Nаiled Skull of а Young Wаrrior Reveаls Hіdden Tаles

In a remarkable discovery, archaeologists have unearthed the skull of a middle-aged male warrior, estimated to be between 40 to 50 years old. The skull bears a…

Mystery of Peru’s’ ‘alien mummies’ deepens after two more corpses are found with slanted eyes and hair

Mystery of Peru’s’ ‘alien mummies’ deepens after two more corpses are found with slanted eyes and hair

The case of Peru’s mysterious ‘alien The corpses were said to have been found in the Nazca desert, where the first mummy was uncovered seven years ago…

Among Mycenaean elites, a common type of helmet was the boar’s tusk helmet.

Among Mycenaean elites, a common type of helmet was the boar’s tusk helmet.

Among Mycenaean elites, a common type of helmet was the boar’s tusk helmet. Since each helmet required ivory from fifty to sixty tusks, their use signaled high…

Archaeological excavations in Antakya, Turkey have turned up the largest floor mosaic at 9,000 square feet

Archaeological excavations in Antakya, Turkey have turned up the largest floor mosaic at 9,000 square feet

In Zeugma, Türkiye, not far from the Syrian border, a team of archaeologists, headed by none other than Professor Kutalmış Görkay from the University of Ankara, has…

Hartashen Megalithic Avenue

Hartashen Megalithic Avenue

Hartashen Megalithic Avenue is a prehistoric megalithic monument in Armenia. There are two avenues of megalithic rocks which do not intersect. These avenues are composed of basalt stones which are placed…

The Catacombs of Paris: The Final Resting Place for Millions of Parisians

The Catacombs of Paris are a series of underground ossuaries, where the remains of over six million people were laid to rest. The Catacombs are a popular…

The Mysteries and Meanings Behind 6 Fascinating Sculptures

There are works of sculpture which are “imperfect” yet their effect is magical. Others are just stunning thanks to an intriguing feature left there by their sculptor….

From the Thracians to the Vikings, a celebration of the drinking horn

The drinking horn was used in ancient times for consuming ale, milk, water, or mead. At first, the vessels were made from a horn of a bovid,…