Crinoids: The Fossils That Inspired ‘Alien’
Crinoids are commonly known as sea lilies due to their “flower-like” appearance , though they are animals, not plants. Crinoids are part of a large group of…

The Samnite House of Herculaneum
The Samnite House (Casa Samnitica) is one of the older homes in Herculaneum – at the time of the eruption it was about 300 years old. The…

In 1922, British archaeologist Howard Carter made one of the most significant discoveries in archaeological history: the tomb of the ancient Egyptian pharaoh Tutankhamun
In 1922, British archaeologist Howard Carter made one of the most groundbreaking discoveries in the history of archaeology: the tomb of the ancient Egyptian pharaoh Tutankhamun. Hidden…

Pantheon Facts: 6 Surprising Insights into the Roman Monument
The Pantheon is one of the most famous sights in Italy. But there’s a lot more to this ancient Roman building than its postcard-worthy perfection! If you…

Revealing the mysteries of a 5,000-year-old flint dagger from ancient times: Deep insights into Neolithic Germany Enchanted by the Beautiful City near Cambodia Border – Nếm TV
Imagine holding a relic from the distant past, a tool forged by the skilled hands of our ancestors thousands of years ago. That is precisely the experience…

The construction of the Menga Dolmen in Spain, almost 6,000 years ago, revealed an unexpected level of scientific knowledge
Hold onto your hats, because recent discoveries are shaking the very foundations of what we thought we knew about our ancestors. Engineering, notions of physics and high…

(Petrified) Forests of Stone
Despite being comprised almost entirely of quartz, trace amounts of elements like iron and manganese give petrified wood its myriad of colors. I grew up about 90…

Limestone Wall In Bolivia Has Over 5000 Dinosaur Footprints Belonging To 10 Different Species
A wall in Bolivia is covered in thousands of dinosaur footprints, and it’s becoming a major tourist attraction PH๏τograph by Yatlik.com Cal Orcko, located 3 miles south of…

The Remarkable Wooden Roman Military Comb of Vindolanda: A Glimpse into Roman Life
In the rolling countryside of northern England lies the Roman Fort of Vindolanda, a treasure trove of archaeological finds that offers a glimpse into life on the…

Experts found ‘extraordinary’ Roman rock crystal jar in Viking-era treasure hoard found buried in Scotland
It was a sorry-looking object when it was unearthed in 2014 from a ploughed field in western Scotland, having been buried for almost a thousand years ago….