Sumerian Text Revealed 8 Intelligent Beings That Came To Earth And Ruled For 241,200 Years

This remarkable writing was discovered on a 4,000year-old clay tablet by German-American researcher Hermann Hilprecht around the turn of the twentieth century.

Cuneiform tablet

The most contentious ancient Sumerian document gives the names of eight ancient monarchs who dropped from the sky and ruled for almost two hundred thousand years. According to the narrative, a group of eight intelligent creatures controlled Mesopotamia for 241,200 years before the Great Flood.

The Sumerians were a sophisticated civilization that existed roughly 7000 years ago between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers in Mesopotamia, which eventually became Babylonia and is now in Iraq and Syria. The scroll that detailed the listing of Sumer rulers and their reign periods was the most remarkable relic unearthed from the ancient Sumerian site in Iraq.

The Sumerian King List Reveals the Origin of Mesopotamian Kingship | Ancient Origins

This remarkable writing was discovered on a 4,000year-old clay tablet by German-American researcher Hermann Hilprecht around the turn of the twentieth century. At least 18 similar cuneiform tablets were discovered by Hilprecht (c. 2017-1794 BCE). They weren’t identical, but they shared that information believed to have come from a single Sumerian source. More than a dozen Sumerian King List copies have been discovered at Babylon, Susa, and ᴀssyria, as well as the Royal Library of Nineveh from the 7th century BC.

SUMERIAN KING LIST | Ashmolean Museum

The Sumerian list includes the names of several generations of kings who governed ancient Mesopotamia, as well as the length and location of their reigns. The document also featured the events of the Great Flood, legends, Gilgamesh tales, and stories of antediluvian monarchs, in addition to the list.

Before the flood, the Sumerian List was as follows:

How the world's first accountants counted on cuneiform - BBC News

“The kingdom was in Eridug after it descended from heaven.” Alulim became king of Eridug and reigned for 28800 years. For 36000 years, Alaljar reigned. Two monarchs ruled for 64800 years. The kingdom was then relocated to Bad-tibia after Eridug collapsed.

Accounting ledger, Sumerian cuneiform - Stock Image - C026/4792 - Science PH๏τo Library

En-men-Luana governed Bad-tibira for 43200 years. For 28800 years, En-men-gal-ana reigned. For 36000 years, Dumuzid, the shepherd, reigned. Three kings ruled for a total of 108000 years. The kingship was then transferred to Larag after Bad-tibira collapsed.

En-sipad-did-ana reigned Larag for 28800 years. There was just one monarch who ruled for 28800 years. The kingship was then transferred to Zimbir once Larag collapsed. En-men-dur-ana became king of Zimbir and reigned for 21000 years. There was just one monarch who ruled for 21000 years. The kingship was then transferred to Shuruppag when Zimbir collapsed. Ubara-Tutu became king of Shuruppag and reigned for 18600 years. There was just one monarch who ruled for 18600 years. They governed for 241200 years, with 5 towns and 8 kings. Then the tide came rushing in.”

How did the eight kings manage to dominate the world for 241,200 years? There was a lot of controversy about the early monarchs’ extended reigns. Etana, Lugal-banda, and Gilgamesh were among the mythological and legendary individuals featured in the list, each reigning for an improbable amount of time. Some people thought that they were gods with a greater life span than humans. A list of the regulations and their kingship after the flood is also included.

Many people thought for a long time that the history of 8 Sumerian rulers, their impossible monarchy, the Great Flood, and their restoration with another set of monarchs after the flood were simply Sumerians’ interpretations of legendary myths. Simultaneously, several experts and authors denied this notion, claiming that the list could not be a hoax. They began to recognize some of the names on the list of rulers.

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