Have The Tools Used To Build Ancient Monuments Been Staring Us In The Face All Along?

Traditional explanations suggest that ordinary, primitive tools combined with extraordinary feats of human exertion made it all possible. There is no reasonable explanation for why building techniques and designs share so many similarities across the planet as the big picture emerges.

Missing links
Apart from the mystery of construction, there is another missing link: What happened to the tools? Also, why don’t we see recorded information explaining these astounding construction methods?

Were these methods purposefully kept a secret, or have the answers been staring us in the face all along? Is the reason we haven’t found clear evidence of tools because one of the tools is ephemeral sound and vibrations? And, is another reason why we have misunderstood the tools used?

The Sailing Stones of Egypt
One ancient account from an old Arab historian and geographer suggests that the Egyptians used sound to transport substantial stone blocks. Known as the Herodotus of the Arabs, he recorded a centuries-old legend by 947 AD.

According to Mysterious Universe, the legend goes like this:

“When building the pyramids, their creators carefully positioned what was described as magical papyrus underneath the edges of the mighty stones that were to be used in the construction process. Then, one by one, the stones were struck by what was curiously, and rather enigmatically, described only as a rod of metal. The stones then slowly began to rise into the air, and – like dutiful soldiers unquestioningly following orders – proceeded in slow, methodical, single-file fashion several feet above a paved pathway surrounded on both sides by similar, mysterious metal rods.”

The Was-sceptre

We’ve all seen Egyptian deities like Anubis, standing with a strange rod in his hand like the picture above. However, not many people know what that object is. It’s called a Was-sceptre, a staff with a forked base and topped with a pronged head shaped like a stylized canine or another animal. The rod is thin and perfectly straight and ᴀssociated with other mysterious objects like the Ankh and the Djed. Were they merely symbolic, or could they have been tools of some kind?

According to the Ancient History Encyclopedia, these objects are symbols representing royal power and dominion.

“The three most important symbols, often appearing in all manner of Egyptian artwork from amulets to architecture, were the ankh, the djed, and the was scepter. These were frequently combined in inscriptions and often appear on sarcophagi together in a group or separately. In the case of each of these, the form represents the eternal value of the concept: the ankh represented life; the ᴅᴇᴀᴅ stability; the was power.”

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