University Mathematician Decodes The Crop Circle With A Binary Code & Extraterrestrial Face

Crop circles are genuine, in case you didn’t know. It’s debatable how they’re formed and who or what makes them. Still, the fact that sophisticated, stunning, and highly complicated designs are “sown” into crop fields worldwide is undeniable. You should get goosebumps just looking at some of these designs, especially footage was taken from an aircraft or a helicopter.

Why? The most significant explanation comes from Richard Taylor, a physicist at Oregon. Despite dismissing any supernatural interpretation for the designs, he claims that this is “history’s greatest scientific art trend.” It’s also worth noting that several of these designs have been tested in a lab environment since some of the stalks’ nodes have been blown through on one side. Crop circles are not merely flattened, as many people believe. Some advanced technology is being employed. (source)

Crop circle season arrives with a mathematical message | The Independent |  The Independent

Highly targeted microwave heating, which waters inside the crop to evaporate and detach, has been used to recreate this ‘blasting’ effect. As a result, the stock entirely flips on its side. As a result of the measurements he discovered in his investigation, Taylor concluded that crop circle painters employ GPS devices, lasers, and microwaves to produce these fantastic geometric designs.

Some will always dismiss any supernatural explanation, yet it’s difficult to deny that something weird is occurring when looking at the crop circle phenomena. I believe it is self-evident.
The concentric circle you see above was discovered in a field near Crabwood, England, in 2002. Yes, that was the genuine deal. It’s been chronicled, videotaped, and pH๏τographed. The clip is widely available on the internet. It sparked a lot of debate and has been studied by several academics worldwide. Terje Toftenes, an award-winning Norwegian filmmaker and video producer, captured some fantastic aerial footage of the Crabwood circle.

Pitkanen goes into considerable length and analysis in her study about a 1974 transmission (known as the “Arecibo” message) put together by Carl Sagan and his colleagues. It was sent into space through radio waves during a special event in Puerto Rico to commemorate the remodeling of the Arecibo radio telescope. It was the most potent transmission ever sent into space on purpose. It consisted of a pictorial message depicting our planet’s position in our universe, the fundamental precepts of our mathematics and science, and the NASA transmitter used to transmit the signal in the desperate hope that intelligent aliens would interpret this. It was directed at a star cluster located approximately 25,000 light-years away.

Twenty-seven years later, in 2001, a pattern in the shape of a response to the 1974 broadcast emerged directly near Britain’s largest telescope, the Chilbolton, and observatory, which houses the world’s largest fully steerable weather radar.

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