Archaeologists have been given fresh hope in the search for more ᴅᴇᴀᴅ Sea Scrolls manuscripts after stumbling across 2,000-year-old pottery.

Evangelicals digging at the ancient settlement of Qumran, where the first scrolls  were discovered in 1947, previously thought they had exhausted all discoveries at Cave 53 and had given up on unearthing any more parchments.

Oren Gutfeld is pictured at Cave 53 - where he has previously turned up blank parchment that has fuelled hopes for finding more ᴅᴇᴀᴅ Sea Scrolls 

But more than seven decades since Bedouin goat herders peered into a cave and found the Jewish separatist texts, archaeologist Randall Price and his team have made a discovery that has encouraged them to keep searching.

Pictured: The storage room of an Israeli antique shop in Jerusalem's Old City as evangelicals fuel demand for relics 

Mr Price, a Texan theologian, shared the fruits of his Israeli team’s labour with National Geographic as he ploughs on with Hebrew University work some regard as illegal as the site is in the occupied West Bank.

Cambridge University Library conservator Emma Nichols examines a Hebrew text. the centre  houses 200,000 Jewish manuscripts

Digs for the scrolls have been a source of controversy since the 1967 Six-Day War and Israel’s opponents argue that searches should not be carried out without Palestinian involvement.

It comes after dig director Oren Gutfeld came across blank rolls of parchment in Cave 53, prompting him to say: ‘It was blank – but next time maybe it won’t be.’

Father Jean-Michel de Tarragon studies archival pH๏τographs at Jerusalem's École Biblique after his team led the search for the ᴅᴇᴀᴅ Sea Scrolls 

The initial find of seven parchments reveled that the scrolls were placed in the cave around AD70 but the oldest date back as far as 300BC.

After the Israeli government signed the Oslo Accords to transfer territories to Palestinian control in 1993, it launched an urgent survey of archaeological sites it stood to lose.

One of the sites they mapped was recorded as Cave 53, which caught Price’s attention in 2010 and later Gutfeld, who described it as a ‘juicy’ cave

This Wycliffe New Testament - which was pivotal in translating texts from Latin into common language - is displayed at The Holy Land Experience in Florida 
Two years ago archaeologists found blank parchment and broken jars, which they believe is evidence that it housed scrolls – but by January this year they were ready to walk away from the cave, which was looted 40 years ago.

This 1611 publication of the King James Bible is among the relics that are displayed for Christians in America. This is one of only two first editions in existence and is on display in Washington DC

However on Monday last week Mr Price said that a shallow dig unearthed evidence that his team could be close to finding their ‘mother lode’.

‘They didn’t dig very deep,’ he said. ‘Our hope is that if we keep digging, we hit the mother lode.’

Stunning images of relics were revealed in National Geographic following last week's finding in Cave 53 

The diggers are responding to demand from US evangelicals as relics are shipped to Christian theme parks in Florida.

The Bedouins who stumbled on the first seven parchments are said to have sold them to two Bethlehem antiquities dealers.

The ᴅᴇᴀᴅ Sea Scrolls, which include tends of thousands of parchment and papyrus fragments (file pH๏τo), contain parts of what is now known as the Hebrew Bible. They also feature a range of extra-biblical documents
A Jerusalem scholar got hold of three of the scrolls after a clandestine meeting through a barbed wire fence.

Then dealer Khalil Iskander Shahin sold the four remaining scrolls to a Syrian archbishop in Jerusalem, who later smuggled them to the US when he feared for their safety during 1949’s Arab-Israeli War.

The ᴅᴇᴀᴅ Sea Scrolls were found by shepherd Muhammed Edh-Dhib as he searched for a stray among the limestone cliffs at Khirbet Qumran on the shores of the ᴅᴇᴀᴅ Sea

But after receiving no buyers at American universities, the scrolls were bought in 1954 by an Israeli archaeologist and they reside in the Israeli wing of the country’s national museum in Jerusalem.

By by the mid-2000s, translators had published most of their findings. Scrolls ranged from apocalyptic treatises to accounts of daily life in the Qumran sect

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