Mysterious hole spotted on Mars could be a gateway to ancient alien life

A mysterious hole on Mars has sparked speculations that it could be a gateway to ancient alien life.

A mysterious hole on Mars has sparked speculations that it could be a gateway to ancient alien life

The crater-like opening, about 150 feet across, sits on the edge of an ancient volcano, and scientists have suggested it could be protecting lifeforms from the Red  Planet’s radiation and harsh conditions.

While researchers are unsure how deep the pit goes, they said it is likely an underground lava tube that formed during a volcanic explosion – and the deep tunnel could serve as a shelter for astronauts set to put boots on the Martian world.

Scientists are unsure how deep the holes on Mars go (pictured). They believe they formed during after a volcanic explosion caused lava tubes to form

The University of Arizona re-posted a pH๏τo of the Mars hole for its ‘Picture of the Day’ this month, spurring additional conversation about how it will influence future scientific missions.

Although scientists captured the image with the HiRISE camera in 2022, they are still working to uncover how or why these holes exist.

Lava tubes are underground pᴀssageways, similar to a long cave, that formed during a volcanic explosion. As the lava flows downhill, its surface cools and hardens into a dark crust which works as an insulator for the lava flowing beneath its surface. The holes (pictured) likely formed after the surface over the lava tubes caved in

Researchers have theorized that the holes are ‘skylights’ where the ground above the lava tubes caved in, according to Brandon Johnson a geophysicist at Purdue University who studies impact craters throughout the solar system.

Lava tubes are underground pᴀssageways, similar to a long cave, which formed during a volcanic explosion.

Mars hosts high levels of radiation that poses dangerous risks for astronauts. Scientists hope the holes discovered on the red planet could provide them with sanctuary from the elements.

As the lava flows downhill, its surface cools and hardens into a dark crust which works as an insulator for the lava flowing beneath its surface.

This allows the lava to stay H๏τter and flow further, leaving an empty tunnel in its wake.

‘There’s more than one of these [pits] on Mars that we’ve seen,’ Johnson told Business Insider.

‘But they’re really interesting because they’re places where astronauts might be able to go and be safe from radiation.’

Mars’s thin atmosphere and lack of a global magnetic field like Earth – which extends into space and interacts with the solar wind to block radiation emitted from the sun – creates dangerous radiation levels.

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