Mysterious ‘humanoid’ found with slanted eyes and elongated skull likened to ‘alien’

A mysterious foetus has been discovered in Colombia that scientists believe could be an ‘alien’ or from a ‘tiny humanoid’ civilisation that lived on Earth many years ago

A mysterious ‘alien’ shaped baby could belong to a tiny ancient human race.

The curious little being, possibly an ‘alien’ or a pint-sized humanoid civilisation, is said to have been discovered in Colombia. The so-called alien creature sports a stretched-out skull, slanted eyes, and what seems like a ridge of bone on its head.

Alien researcher Josep Guijarro received the pictures from someone claiming to have discovered it. He is keen to stay “cautious” about calling this find an “extraterrestrial,” noting instead that it looks to be curled up like it pᴀssed away while still a foetus.

Furthermore, he pointed out its apparent umbilical cord, which you’d usually expect to see in mammals here on Earth.

But, counting the ribs, the investigator found the creature had 10 each side. That’s two less than we humans normally have. It left him thinking it might be a mammal’s foetus with a certain genetic misshaping.

Mr Guijarro then drew a link between his Colombian find and another peculiar character known as Ata. Ata was a small being unearthed in an old church in Chile’s Atacama Desert in 2003.

It was uncovered by Oscar Munoz, who subsequently sold the tiny body to Spanish businessman and researcher Ramon Navia-Osorio Villar.

Even though the skeleton isn’t thought to be extraterrestrial, Mr Navia-Osorio speculated it may be from a miniature humanoid population who, many years ago, shared South America with the Aymara people.

DNA tests on the skeleton in 2018 suggested it was a human female foetus with unusual mutations linked to dwarfism and scoliosis.

But an international research team led by bioarchaeology professor Sian Halcrow disputed this claim. They stated: “As experts in human anatomy and skeletal development, we find no evidence for any of the skeletal anomalies claimed by the authors.”

Mr Navia-Osorio said: “We received it at the Spanish Royal Academy of Sciences and there we carried out the first X-ray, with low radiation so as not to damage the specimen.”

“They already told us that they did not know what it was, the head was so voluminous, the hands were so elongated, it had no kneecaps, and the clavicle was more triangular than that of humans – I started to worry.”

“How could it be a human foetus if it had calluses on its feet? This creature was not extraterrestrial, it was terrestrial.”

The researcher believes Ata does not come from outer space, but rather coexisted with humans many years ago.

He explained: “They were very small people who lived in caves and only came out at night, hence its strange almond-shaped eyes.”

“A native friend from the Aymara tribe told me that these beings used to live with their ancestors before the Spanish settlers arrived.”

Following the latest discovery in Colombia, one local commented: “It is very similar to the Atacama being. Surely it’s an intraterrestrial species that still lives among us? “.

Erik chimed in, saying: “It is the same as the one found in Atacama.” Ariel added: “We look forward to receiving more information.”

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