Thuya, the mother of Queen Tiye, left a lasting legacy as the grandmother of Akhenaten and Tutankhamun. Descended from Queen Ahmose-Nefertari, Thuya held significant roles within Kemet’s intertwined religion and government. She was a part of various religious cults, holding тιтles such as ‘Singer of Hathor’ and ‘Chief of Entertainers’ to both Amun and Min. Additionally, she served as the Superintendent of the Harem of the god Min in Akhmin and Amun of Thebes. Thuya was married to Yuya, a prominent courtier of the 18th Dynasty. Around 1375 BC, in her early to mid-50s, Thuya pᴀssed away, leaving behind a rich lineage.
Yuya and Thuya’s daughter, Tiye, became the Great Royal Wife of Pharaoh AmenH๏τep III. This position was the highest religious role in Kemet, where the Great Royal Wife stood alongside the Pharaoh during official ceremonies and rituals. The couple also had a son named Anen, who held тιтles such as Chancellor of Lower Egypt, Second Prophet of Amun, Little Priest of Heliopolis, and Divine Father.
Thuya’s lineage through her daughter and son further solidified her significance in the history of Kemet. Her descendants, particularly Queen Tiye, played pivotal roles in shaping the kingdom’s religious and governmental landscape. Through her marriage to Yuya, Thuya established connections that led to her family’s rise in influence within the royal court.
Thuya’s life and contributions highlight the importance of women in ancient Kemet’s society. As a revered figure in religious and governmental circles, she paved the way for her daughter and grandchildren to leave their mark on history. Thuya’s legacy endures through the achievements of her descendants, such as Queen Tiye, who held esteemed positions and left a lasting impact on Kemet’s legacy.
In conclusion, Thuya’s role as the mother of Queen Tiye distinguished her as a prominent figure in Kemet’s history. Her lineage’s connections to royalty and influential positions showcase her enduring legacy and influence on the kingdom’s religious and governmental affairs. Thuya’s contributions continue to be celebrated through the accomplishments of her descendants, making her a pivotal figure in shaping the narrative of ancient Kemet.