Blade (2025)

Blade (2025)
The long-awaited Blade (2025), starring Mahershala Ali as the legendary vampire hunter, has encountered a series of production hurdles. Announced at San Diego Comic-Con in 2019, the film faced multiple delays, including script rewrites and changes in directors. Originally set for a 2023 release, it is now slated to hit theaters on November 7, 2025.
Part of Marvel’s Phase 6, the movie is set to reintroduce Blade into the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU). Fans got a glimpse of Ali’s portrayal of the character in a brief cameo during the post-credits scene of Eternals.
The film will feature a star-studded cast, including Mia Goth, though her role remains under wraps. The storyline is expected to delve into Blade’s complex half-vampire heritage and may adopt a darker tone, potentially more intense than most MCU films.
Given the vampire themes at its core, there’s speculation that the film could earn an R-rating, marking a shift from the usual family-friendly approach of the MCU.

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