Decoding Ancient Alien Secrets: Mysteries That Could Rewrite History

While scientists persist in unraveling the enigmas of the universe, UFO enthusiasts persistently offer evidence supporting the idea of extraterrestrial existence.

For them, a conspicuous anomaly in a NASA pH๏τo or an unexplained light in the night sky can be compelling proof. In a recent development, Russian UFO enthusiasts claim to have discovered debris believed to be remnants of a UFO from millions of years ago, adding another layer to the ongoing exploration of potential extraterrestrial phenomena.

An article on Inquisitr states that Vadim Chernobrov, head of Kosmopoisk (a UFO research and rare animal hunting group in Russia), and his team have excavated a disk-shaped stone block in the Medveditskaya region of the Zhirnovsky district, Volgograd.


The shape of the 4-meter disc is very similar to that of a flying saucer, which has sparked the imaginations of many conspiracy theorists. Information about the discovery was first posted on the Bloknot-Volgograd news website in Russia.

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Chernobrov shared with the website that they discovered the stone block last week, and it has many differences compared to dozens of ancient stone blocks they have collected in and around the area.

“We have found dozens of similar stone discs, but this is a special stone disc,” Chernobrov said. “Other blocks found were less than 1m in diameter. Previously, we found similar strange blocks, but the largest block we discovered was in Kuzbᴀss, with a diameter of about 2m.”

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Scott Waring of UFO Sightings Daily believes this is evidence of extraterrestrial existence, and suggests the stone disc was made of wolfram. Wolfram is a material used in special military equipment.

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“They look like the discs I have seen in NASA Mars pH๏τos, so I think this is a military UFO that may have been damaged in a Mars attack and fallen out of orbit, crashing into Earth,” Waring wrote on his website.

Previously, in February, a disc-shaped stone object was discovered by a coal mining company in the Kuznetsk Basin, Siberia

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