Carrie (2025)

Carrie (2025) is a modern adaptation of Stephen King’s classic horror novel, telling the tragic and terrifying story of Carrie White, a shy and awkward high school girl with a dark secret. Raised by her fanatically religious mother, Carrie has lived a life of fear, repression, and isolation, constantly ridiculed by her classmates.

Carrie (2025)

The story takes a dramatic turn when Carrie experiences her first period in the school locker room, where her confusion and fear are met with cruel mockery from her peers. This traumatic moment triggers the awakening of her latent telekinetic powers, which she struggles to control.

As Carrie navigates her newfound abilities, she finds herself invited to the senior prom by a kind student, Sue Snell, who feels guilty about participating in the earlier bullying. Carrie sees the prom as a chance to finally fit in, but her tormentor, Chris Hargensen, has other plans. Chris devises a humiliating prank to be played on Carrie during the prom, setting the stage for a horrifying climax.

When the prank unfolds in front of the entire school, Carrie’s telekinetic powers are unleashed in a moment of explosive rage, leading to a night of devastating chaos and destruction.

The 2025 Carrie adaptation explores themes of bullying, isolation, and the terrifying consequences of unchecked power, blending psychological horror with intense emotional depth. With stunning visuals and a dark, modern tone, this film reintroduces the classic tale to a new generation of horror fans.

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