In A Working Man, Jason Statham stars as Jack Brody, a hardworking factory laborer with a concealed and violent past. Jack’s life revolves around his teenage daughter, Emily, whom he has raised alone after his wife’s tragic death. Their modest life is upended when Jack accidentally uncovers that his employers, тιтan Industries, are secretly manufacturing illegal weapons and selling them to terrorist organizations.
When Jack tries to report his findings, he becomes a target. The corporation sends a ruthless enforcer, Carter Kane (Walton Goggins), to silence him. Jack’s factory is rigged to look like the site of an accident, and he narrowly escapes with Emily. However, they are pursued relentlessly across the city.
The turning point comes when journalist Claire Bishop (Naomi Watts) joins Jack, determined to expose тιтan Industries. With her help, Jack accesses a secret server holding incriminating evidence. In a climactic showdown at тιтan’s headquarters, Jack faces Kane in an intense hand-to-hand battle. Despite being severely injured, Jack outsmarts and defeats Kane, exposing тιтan’s crimes to the world