The world’s oldest toy dating back 7500 years is exhibited in Mardin, Turkey

The world’s oldest surviving toy, dating back to the Chalcolithic Period (5500–3000 BC), is a fascinating glimpse into the lives and creativity of ancient societies.

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This extraordinary artifact is housed in the Mardin Museum in Türkiye, a region rich in history and culture, located in the heart of Mesopotamia; a cradle of civilization. The toy, believed to have been created thousands of years ago, is a simple yet ingenious representation of the human desire to craft and engage in play. Although specific details about its form vary, such toys are typically made of clay or stone, often resembling animals, wheeled objects, or figurines.

These artifacts were likely made for children, serving not only as tools for amusement but also as ways to teach basic skills and social roles in the community. The existence of such a toy demonstrates the universality of play throughout human history. Despite the challenges of survival during the Chalcolithic Period, early humans found time to create objects that brought joy and meaning to their lives.

r/Turkey - Archaeologists scanning the mounds in the Kızıltepe District of Mardin (a city in Turkey) found a toy car made of baked mud. As a result of the work done by archaeologists, it turned out that the toy car belongs to 7500 years ago.

The toy also reflects the sophistication of these ancient communities, who were beginning to experiment with metal tools, pottery, and early forms of writing. The Mardin Museum’s display of this ancient toy allows modern audiences to connect with a shared human experience, spanning millennia. It underscores the enduring importance of imagination and play in human culture, offering a poignant reminder that even in the earliest stages of civilization, people sought to balance work with moments of joy and creativity.

The toy, believed to have been created thousands of years ago, is a simple yet ingenious representation of the human desire to craft and engage in play.

Oldest Toy 2024 |

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