Safaga to Luxor:Tour of King Tut’s Tomb & the Valley of the Kings

Tomb of Ramesses VI

No pH๏τo description available.

Ramesses VI was buried in the Valley of the Kings, in a tomb now known as KV9. The ornate walls of the tomb include numerous funeral literature to aid the king’s smooth transfer to the afterlife, such as the Book of Gates, Book of Caverns, Amduat, and Book of the ᴅᴇᴀᴅ. All of the ceilings are embellished with astronomical sceneries and writings.

Safaga to Luxor:Tour of King Tut's Tomb & the Valley of the Kings - PH๏τo 8 of 14
The huts of the workmen who built this tomb were built directly on top of the ground that concealed the staircase that led into the tomb of Tutankhamun. In other words, it is this tomb that led to the discovery of Tutankhamun’s in 1922 with all of its world-famous treasures inside it.

Safaga to Luxor:Tour of King Tut's Tomb & the Valley of the Kings - PH๏τo 5 of 14

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