Ford Warrior – A Valuable Discovery of an Early Medieval Burial – Circa 600 AD

Ford Warrior – A Valuable Discovery of an Early Medieval Burial – Circa 600 AD

Introduction to the Discovery

Around 600 AD, the burial of a man from the Anglo-Saxon period was discovered near Ford, Salisbury, Wiltshire, England. This discovery offers a fascinating glimpse into the burial customs and beliefs of the Anglo-Saxons in the early Medieval era. The grave was found next to a Bronze Age barrow and close to the Roman road connecting Old Sarum and Winchester, forming an intriguing link between different cultures and time periods.

Artifacts in the Grave

The grave of this individual contained a collection of valuable artifacts, including a hanging bowl, a seax (a type of single-edged knife typical of the Anglo-Saxons), a shield, two spears, a buckle, and a bone comb. Of particular significance is the seax, a rare item that suggests the individual may have held a high status within his community. The presence of this weapon points to the possibility that the man was someone of importance.

Ford Warrior – A Valuable Discovery of an Early Medieval Burial – Circa 600 AD

Significance of the Burial Location

What is particularly noteworthy is that the burial was placed near the Bronze Age barrow and the Roman road. The choice of location for burial near these ancient monuments was not a random coincidence. During the Early Medieval period, it was a common practice to bury the ᴅᴇᴀᴅ near older monuments, often at the borders of settlements or estates. This could have been a way of linking the deceased to earlier generations, creating a sense of continuity between the past and present.

Connecting the Past and Present

The placement of the burial near ancient monuments may also reflect a respect for the ancestors and a connection between them and the present community. This practice not only honored the past but may have also served to affirm the power and status of the deceased in society. By being buried near such historic sites, the deceased could be seen as part of a long-standing historical lineage, where new generations are closely tied to those who came before.


The Ford Warrior burial is not only an important archaeological discovery but also a vivid testament to the beliefs, customs, and notions of continuity that shaped Anglo-Saxon society. The artifacts found with the burial help us better understand the life and culture of the Anglo-Saxons, while also raising questions about the role of ancient monuments in shaping the idenтιтy and power structures of the community. The artifacts and bones from the Ford burial are currently displayed at the Salisbury Museum in Wiltshire, where visitors can admire and explore the history of the Anglo-Saxons in greater detail.

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