Shackled skeletons were found in two mᴀss graves in the Faliron Delta

Two mᴀss graves containing 80 ancient bodies have been discovered in the Faliron Delta region of southern Athens.

The 7th Century BC bodies, belonging to young men, were placed side by side with their arms shackled above their heads.

One skeleton had arrow stuck in its shoulder, which suggested the young men may have been murdered prisoners.

Researchers believe they may have been captured for being followers of ancient would-be tyrant Cylon of Athens.

Two mᴀss graves containing 80 ancient bodies (some shown) were recently discovered in the Faliron Delta region of Athens. The 7th Century BC bodies, belonging to young men, were placed side by side with their arms shackled above their heads. Researchers believe they may have been captured for being followers of Cylon

Two mᴀss graves containing 80 ancient bodies have been discovered in the Faliron Delta region of southern Athens. The 7th Century BC bodies, belonging to young men, were placed side by side with their arms shackled above their heads. Researchers believe they may have been captured for being followers of Cylon


The skeletons were found lined up, some on their backs and others on their stomachs.

A total of 36 had their hands bound with iron. One of the men, the last one to be found in March, also had his legs tied with rope.

It remains a mystery as to why the men had their arms tied above their heads rather than behind their backs.

But one theory is they were prisoners, captured and killed for being followers of ancient would-be tyrant Cylon of Athens.

This theory is backed up by the dates of the burial, which is estimated to have happened between 675 and 650 BC during a period of great political turmoil in the region.

Cylon, a nobleman whose failed coup in the 7th century BC is detailed in the accounts of ancient historians Herodotus and Thucydides. 

The findings, presented by chief archaeologist Stella Chrysoulaki, where made when builders were preparing the ground for the new Stavros Niarchos Foundation Cultural Center (SNFCC).

Given ‘the high importance of these discoveries,’ the council is launching further investigations, the culture ministry said.

Two small vases discovered amongst the skeletons have allowed archaeologists to date the graves from between 650-625 BC, ‘a period of great political turmoil in the region,’ the ministry said.

The skeletons were found lined up, some on their backs and others on their stomachs.

A total of 36 had their hands bound with iron. One of the men, the last one to be found in March, also had his legs tied with rope.

It remains a mystery as to why the men had their arms tied above their heads rather than behind their backs.

Archaeologists found the teeth of the men to be in good condition, indicating they were young and healthy.

This boosts the theory that they could have been followers of Cylon, a nobleman whose failed coup in the 7th century BC is detailed in the accounts of ancient historians Herodotus and Thucydides.

 Unlike Athens' renowned ancient Kerameikos cemetery - the last resting place of many prominent ancient Greeks - these appear to be the inhabitants of regular neighbourhoods

The findings, presented by chief archaeologist Stella Chrysoulaki, where made when builders were preparing the group for the new Stavros Niarchos Foundation Cultural Center (SNFCC). Given ‘the high importance of these discoveries,’ the council is launching further investigations, the culture ministry said.

Two small vases (one pictured in this image) were discovered among the skeletons. They have allowed archaeologists to date the graves from between 650-625 BC, 'a period of great political turmoil in the region,' the ministry said

Two small vases (one pictured in this image) were discovered among the skeletons. They have allowed archaeologists to date the graves from between 650-625 BC, ‘a period of great political turmoil in the region,’ the ministry said

Cylon, a former Olympic champion, sought to rule Athens as a tyrant.

But Athenians opposed the coup attempt and he and his supporters were forced to seek refuge in the Acropolis, the citadel that is today the Greek capital’s biggest tourist attraction.

The conspirators eventually surrendered after winning guarantees that their lives would be spared.

But Megacles, of the powerful Alcmaeonid clan, had the men mᴀssacred – an act condemned as sacrilegious by the city authorities.


This isn’t the only significant find found in the region. 

So far, a total of 136 burial sites dating back to the archaic era had been found in the 840 square metre ancient cemetery. During the excavations of 2012-2013, scientist found 1,063 graves.

Earlier this year, a burial which contained an unusually well preserved skeleton of a horse, was discovered during landscaping works around the Stavros Niarchos Foundation Cultural Centre. 

‘In the Faliro necropolis we have found four complete horse burials, as well as parts of other skeletons, therefore it is not something rare for the area,’ Stella Chrysoulaki, the head of the West Attica, Piraeus and Islands Ephorate who is in charge of the dig.

Earlier this year, a burial which contained an unusually well preserved skeleton of a horse, was discovered during landscaping works around the Stavros Niarchos Foundation Cultural Centre

Earlier this year, a burial which contained an unusually well preserved skeleton of a horse, was discovered during landscaping works around the Stavros Niarchos Foundation Cultural Centre

‘What is rare and surprised us was the degree of preservation of the specific skeleton, which even has its hooves. 

‘For zoo-archaeologists or a university, this find could be an excellent opportunity for a study. 

‘Having such a large number of skeletons – four is quite a number – such a study could reach a number of conclusions on races and the evolution of species. 

‘From this point of view, this find is very important. 

She noted that a horse burial in a graveyard for people sometimes occured, but the  Faliro necropolis was an area where ‘where unbelievable things happen.’

Historians say this dramatic chapter in the story of ancient Athens showed the aristocracy’s resistance to the political transformation that would eventually herald Athenian democracy 2,500 years ago.

The skeletons were found in an ancient necropolis at around two and a half meters from the surface.

So far, only half of the Faliron Delta has been excavated so far. 

The site served as a port for Athens in classical age.

Archaeologists said the excavation will continue, and the culture ministry is set to make a decision on whether to build a museum on the site.

The skeletons were discovered when builders were preparing the group for the new Stavros Niarchos Foundation Cultural Center (SNFCC). Pictured is a view of the site Mᴀss grave discovered in ancient necropolis

The findings, presented by chief archaeologist Stella Chrysoulaki, where made when builders were preparing the group for the new Stavros Niarchos Foundation Cultural Center (SNFCC). Pictured is a view of the site Mᴀss grave discovered in ancient necropolis

So far, only half of the Faliron Delta has been excavated. The site served as a port for Athens in classical age. Archaeologists said the excavation will continue, and the culture ministry is set to make a decision on whether to build a museum on the site

So far, only half of the Faliron Delta has been excavated so far. The site served as a port for Athens in classical age. Archaeologists said the excavation will continue, and the culture ministry is set to make a decision on whether to build a museum on the site

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