King Tutankhamun’s golden funerary Mask

Also known as Tutankhaten, was the antepenultimate pharaoh of the Eighteenth Dynasty of ancient Egypt. His death marked the end of the dynasty’s royal line.
Funerary golden mask of King Tutankhamun – Egyptian Museum Cairo
Tutankhamun ascended to the throne around the age of nine and reigned until his death around the age of nineteen. The preeminent action of his reign is the countermanding of the religiopolitical changes enacted by his predecessor, Akhenaten, during the Amarna Period: he restored the traditional polytheistic form of ancient Egyptian religion, undoing the religious shift known as Atenism, and moved the royal court away from Akhenaten’s capital, Amarna.
Gold Mask of Tutankhamun IDENTICAL Reproduction Replica
Also, Tutankhamun was one of few kings worshipped as a deity during his lifetime; this was usually done posthumously for most pharaohs.
In popular culture today, Tutankhamun is known for his vastly opulent wealth found during the 1922 discovery of his tomb, KV62, the only such tomb to date to have been found in near-intact condition. The discovery of his tomb is widely considered one of the greatest archaeological discoveries of all time.
Tut Exhibit - King Tutankhamun Exhibit, Collection: Basic Funeral Equipment  - Gold Death Mask of Tutankhamun
Since then he has been referred to colloquially as “King Tut”
Tutankhamun acquired kingship during a tumultuous time period. Akhenaten’s Atenism had engendered nationwide destabilization, and his successor, likely Tutankhamun’s paternal older half-brother, Smenkhare, had an abruptly short reign. This was followed by another abruptly short reign of Neferneferuaten, likely Smenkhare’s widow, Meritaten.
It was under these tenuous circumstances that after Neferneferuaten’s death, Tutankhamun inherited the throne and expounded the reversal of Atenism, which involved extensive reconstruction and the reconsecration of the traditional cults and clergymen, as evidenced most eminently by the artifact known as the Restoration Stela.
Gold Mask of Tutankhamun Reproduction reproduction replica
During this time, the traditional cult of the god Amun was reestablished, and the king subsequently reтιтled himself from Tutankhaten to Tutankhamun. In accordance with this, his wife also reтιтled herself from Ankhesenpaaten to Ankhesenamun
Following Tutankhamun’s untimely death after a decade reign, his vizier, and perhaps granduncle, Ay, ᴀssumed the throne, likely marrying Ankhesenamun, despite Tutankhamun’s commander-in-chief, Horemheb, being designated by Tutankhamun as heir.
Ay’s reign was abruptly short, and Horemheb became pharaoh next, also possibly briefly marrying Ankhesenamun until her untimely death a couple years into Horemheb’s lengthy reign. Horemheb was able to secure the throne due to the death of Ay’s designated heir, generalissimo Nakhtmin, toward the end of Ay’s reign. It was Horemheb who saw to it that the restoration of the traditional ancient Egyptian religion was completed, restabilizing the nation.
In due course, Horemheb had selected then civilian military officer, Ramesses I, as heir to the throne, who already had a grandson, Ramesses II, who would then go on to become the third pharaoh of the Nineteenth dynasty

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