Have you seen the viral video of spinning lights in the Ohio sky Multiple witnesses are claiming it’s a rotating UFO ship!

Multiple people claim to have seen rotating UFO‘s in the night sky above Middletown, Ohio, Wednesday night.

Witnesses stated they saw strange rotating green lights above their heads around 10:30 pm on Wednesday.

One resident, Bryce Garrick, told local news outlet WCPO Cincinnati he was in his car when he spotted the object.

In a video Garrick shared with the outlet, five green lights in a circle can be seen rotting anti-clockwise before quickly shooting to the left out of sight.

Another witness, Caden Little, said the incident ‘was scary’ but that ‘in like two seconds it was out of sight.’

One resident, Bryce Garrick, told local news outlet WCPO Cincinnati he was in his car when he spotted the object

‘It looked like something I’d never seen before at all,’ Little said, ‘I had seen drones fly before and this was not like any type of drone.’

However, Bryan Simpson, president of the Cincinnati Astronomical Society, expressed skepticism about the origin of the lights, suggesting it could just be a stunt for social media clout.

‘I think the real test of authenticity is if you get a lot of reports of the same thing.

‘Otherwise it’s probably fake. And by lots I want to see at least 20 different reports,’ Simpson said.

Adding: ‘This is so easy to fake with off the shelf motion graphics software for TikTok likes.’

The Butler County Sheriff’s Office confirmed to the outlet it had not received any calls about the lights.

Dispatchers said they do not have an explanation for the sightings.

It comes after a high profile ‘UFO sighting’ in Las Vegas in April which left a family in lockdown in their home.

Bryan Simpson, president of the Cincinnati Astronomical Society, expressed skepticism about the origin of the lights

The family, who claimed to have seen aliens in their backyard, claimed they had to subsequently lockdown in their property after being threatened by people who believed they are engaging in an ‘elaborate hoax.’

The family, who have declined to reveal their idenтιтy, told NewsNation off-camera that they were left ‘anxious and scared’ and now unwilling to leave their home.

The father and two sons, who are sticking by their story, have not discussed the nature of the threats publicly.

They contacted 911 on April 30, saying that there were ’10 foot aliens’ in their backyard and that they had seen an object fall from the sky.

A Vegas police officer also picked up a green object in the sky, which has since been explained as a meteor by the American Meteor Society.

‘There’s like an 8-foot person beside it and another one is inside us [sic] and it has big eyes and it’s looking at us — and it’s still there,’ the son of the family told 911.

‘In my backyard. I swear to God this is not a joke, this is actually — we’re terrified,’ the caller claimed.

‘They’re very large. They’re like 8 foot, 9 feet, 10 foot. They look like aliens to us. Big eyes. They have big eyes. Like, I can’t explain it. And big mouth. They’re shiny eyes and they’re not human. They’re 100 percent not human,’ he said.

The responding officers also expressed their trepidation at the odd events.

‘I’m so nervous right now,’ one officer can be heard telling his partner on their bodycam footage.

‘I have ʙuттerflies, bro — saw a shooting star and now these people say there’s aliens in their backyard.’

‘I don’t believe in it but what I saw right now, I do believe in it,’ one of the reported witnesses said to police.

Robert Lunsford of the American Meteor Society told NewsNation of the light ‘it was a meteor that was larger than normal, probably the size of a basketball up to a beachball, travelling at tremendous speed and when it strikes the atmosphere it starts to vaporize and that friction causes a very bright flash.

‘We’re certain its a meteor because of the duration of the event, most everybody reported it lasted between two and five seconds.

‘That is much too fast for it to be a re-entering satellite or a rocket, and the fact that it was seen over such a wide area is a darn good indication that it was a fireball.’

However Ryan Burns, podcaster and founder of Space Wolf Research, is among those who believes the family’s account.

Responding officers expressed their trepidation at attending the scene

He told NewsNation that his own research in nearby Lake Mead suggests a extra-terrestrial landing.

The American Meteor Society says it is almost certain the green light caught on the police footage was a meteor.

The area of the alleged sighting was searched and the witnesses interviewed but no new information was found.

The LVPD has since closed the case.

The incident garnered attention after a former intelligence officer turned whistleblower recently claimed the US has a trove of parts and equipment from ‘non-human origin’ UFOs which have crash landed on earth.

David Charles Grusch said the US and other nations are also engaged in top-secret operations that attempt to ‘reverse-engineer’ the pieces to create weapons.

But Grusch also claims that the information has been illegally withheld from Congress as the government tried to hide the finds, which are involved in an ’80-year arms race’ to take advantage of the technology.

He told The Debrief: ‘We are not talking about prosaic origins or idenтιтies. The material includes intact and partially intact vehicles.

‘The existence of complex historical programs involving the coordinated retrieval and study of exotic materials, dating back to the early 20th century, should no longer remain a secret.’

Grusch, who served in Afghanistan and worked for the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) and National Reconnaissance Office (NRO), has handed over details of the alleged operations to Congress and the Intelligence Community Inspector General.

He has also filed a complaint against the Department of Defense and claims he’s been ostracized for his decision to blow the whistle.

The 36-year-old worked on the Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force from 2019-2021.

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