Meret-Neith was the wife of King Djet and the mother of King Den, who were among the rulers of the First Dynasty of ancient Egypt.
She may also have been the first female ruler, reigning from around 2950 BC.
Inscriptions discovered inside her tomb suggest that Meret-Neith held a number of important governmental positions around 3000 BC, including a role in the treasury.

Her name has previously been discovered alongside that of her son on an inscribed list of rulers in his tomb at Saqqara.
Experts say this suggests she may have ruled as regent during Den’s youth, which may explain why she is the only woman to possess a grand tomb in Egypt’s earliest royal burial ground in Abydo.
Her name means ‘beloved of the goddess Neith’.

The grape seed-filled jars – some of which were remarkably well-preserved and still in their original condition – are among the oldest evidence of wine ever uncovered.
They were discovered by a team of archaeologists led by Christiana Köhler from the University of Vienna.
‘The wine was no longer liquid, and we can’t tell if it was red or white,’ she said in a statement.

‘We found a lot of organic residue, grape seeds and crystals, possibly tartar, and all of this is currently being scientifically analysed.
‘It is probably the second oldest direct evidence for wine; the oldest also comes from Abydos.’

Köhler added: ‘The new excavations bring to light exciting new information about this unique woman and her time.’
Thanks to careful digging methods and various new archaeological technologies, experts were also able to establish that Meret-Neith’s tomb complex was built in several construction phases and over a relatively long period of time.
First uncovered by archaeologists in 1900, it was found to have been made with mud bricks, clay and wood, and includes the graves of 41 courtiers and servants.
This is not the only other evidence of great power, however.
Inscriptions discovered inside the tomb suggest that Meret-Neith held a number of important governmental positions around 3000 BC, including a role in the treasury.