Are they aliens or a hoax Filmmakers claim mummified threefingered humanoids found in Peruvian cave are real, with mysterious DNA revealing maybe a new species!

Another set of ‘alien mummies’ has surfaced — three-fingered beings said to be from Peru — according to filmmakers who claim to have X-rayed the alleged corpses.

One seemingly plaster-encased, four-foot tall specimen, these documentarians said, contains a new form of DNA and appears to show signs of ‘genetic engineering.’

‘The DNA is 30 percent unknown,’ according to the duo, who say they plan to unveil further scientific evidence on their mummies next week, Tuesday, March 12, at a press conference in West Hollywood, California.

The documentary filmmakers took pains to distance their finds from the claims of ‘alien mummies’ as presented before Mexico’s Congress last September by journalist Jaime Maussan: mummies similar to those analyzed and declared man-made ‘dolls’ by Peruvian authorities this January.

‘We’re not now saying we found extraterrestrials,’ the filmmakers said. ‘But we believe we’ve found a new species.’

'There is a slight chance that it may be from somewhere else in the galaxy,' documentary producer Serena DC (right), said of the finds. 'And if it was, how cool is that?' She and her film partner, Michael Mazzola (left), said preliminary DNA testing found 30 percent 'unknown' DNA
Thus far, the filmmaking pair report that they have had X-rays (above), DNA, and other laboratory examinations conducted on one of the apparently mummified bodies, filmed in collaboration with scientists from the United States on location in Mexico and Peru

‘There is a slight chance that it may be from somewhere else in the galaxy,’ Serena DC, one of the two documentary producers, said. ‘And if it was, how cool is that?’

DC and her film partner, Michael Mazzola, told The US Sun that further DNA testing is needed, beyond their preliminary analysis, to truly ‘work out where it’s from.’

‘But what we know categorically,’ she contended, ‘is that these beings were not physically constructed by humans.’

'There is a slight chance that it may be from somewhere else in the galaxy,' Serena DC (above), one of the two documentarians, added. 'And if it was, how cool is that?'

Thus far, the pair report that they have had X-rays and laboratory examinations conducted on one of the apparently mummified bodies, filmed in collaboration with scientists from the United States and Mexico, at sites in Mexico and Peru.

That ‘incredible’ evidence, they said, will be presented next Tuesday, alongside new images, live testing of these humanoid mummies, and reports from those scientists.

‘Those tests will be explained by the Mexican and American scientists, who will present their interpretations,’ DC said of the coming event, which will be livestreamed March 12 at noon Pacific via Spark TV.

‘Media are actually going to see that those tests happen live,’ the filmmaker said.

‘We will be crossing live to a forensic laboratory where US and Mexican scientists will perform various diagnostic tests.’

Speaking to press, Mazzola and DC expressed their opinion that the two figures they obtained — one four-foot and one nine-foot specimen — were not ‘extraterrestrials,’ but were real beings that initial DNA tests confirm to be over a thousand years old.

‘Who had the ability to do genetic engineering a thousand years ago?’ as Serena DC put it rhetorically.

‘This discovery has been unfairly discredited,’ Mazzola added, ‘mostly by people too lazy to do even the most superficial investigation into the facts.’

One of the two 'mummified humanoid' specimens - a four-foot-tall skeletal enтιтy, seemingly curled into a defensive crouch (above) - has undergone testing, while another nine-foot-tall creature has also been discovered by the filmmakers, following their travels to Peru
Flavio Estrada (right), forensic archaeologist of the Insтιтute of Legal Medicine and Forensic Sciences of Lima of the Public Ministry

‘The data coming out of Peru is extremely compelling and deserves to be replicated by scientists willing to do actual science instead of playing PR games,’ according to Mazzola.

‘This isn’t about Jaime’s [Maussan’s] credibility or ours. The validity or lack thereof of these remarkable specimens will be determined,’ he said, ‘by the science.’

While one of the two ‘mummified humanoid’ specimens — the four-foot-tall skeletal enтιтy, seemingly curled into a defensive crouch — has undergone testing, the other nine-foot-tall creature has not yet been analyzed, the duo explained to the Sun.

This past January 12, Peruvian government scientists in Lima held a press conference in which their forensic experts worked to cast doubt on multiple claims of ‘alien mummies’ or other exotic ‘humanoid’ remains, removed from burial sites, caves and elsewhere within the South American country.

Peru’s forensic scientists declared that the public had been duped by actors like Maussan, issuing their findings that two near-identical ‘alien mummy’ figures seized by customs agents last October, in a shipment destined for Mexico, were actually nothing more than macabre, man-made ‘dolls.’

Lead forensic expert Flavio Estrada said flatly: ‘They are not extraterrestrials, they are not intraterrestrials, they are not a new species, they are not hybrids.’

Estrada explained that his team of experts from the Legal Medicine and Forensic Sciences Insтιтute had painstakingly analyzed the figures and concluded they were simply dolls that had been pieced together with paper, glue and metal over a frame composed of human and animal bones.

‘The conclusion is simple: they are dolls,’ Estrada continued, ‘ᴀssembled with bones of animals from this planet, with modern synthetic glues, therefore they were not ᴀssembled during pre-Hispanic times.’

DC and Mazzola, however, are adamant that this is not the case for their specimens.

‘They’re real. They were born, they lived, and then they died. And during that period of living, they walked around,’ DC told the Sun.

‘One of them for at least three years because the wear and tear on its bones indicate that that’s how long they had been moving,’ she said. ‘Governments can’t just dismiss them.’

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