Unbelievable sighting! An oil rigger in Mexico witnessed UFOs hovering above for minutes before disappearing. Are there aliens among us

A pair of UFOs were spotted soaring over an oil rig off the coast of Mexico where locals have claimed is home to a secret underwater alien base.

A crew member of the vessel near Tampico snapped two images – one showing a saucer-shaped craft with glowing lights circling the base and the other with a triangular design and three lights on the bottom.

The witness said the UAPs ‘hovered for what seemed like 10 minutes and then ‘just zoomed off in an instant,’ a source told DailyMail.om.

Locals of Tampico believe the underwater extraterrestrial base has been protecting them from hurricanes for more than 50 years.


A pair of UFOs were spotted soaring over an oil rig off the coast of Mexico where locals have claimed is home to a secret underwater alien base. A crew member of the vessel near Tampico snapped two images
One image shows a saucer-shaped craft with glowing lights circling the base

The images were captured on October 2023, but have just now been released online.

DailyMail.com spoke with oil rigger ‘Pat’ who obtained the pictures and information of the sighting from a fellow colleague on another rig who was stationed in Tampico months before he arrived.

‘My contact said the UAPs showed up as they were putting the oil rigs legs to the seabed,’ said Pat.

The rig, known as a ‘jack-up,’ is a barge fitted with three long support legs that can be raised or lowered.

One of the images shows the saucer-shaped craft hanging in the night sky and towering above the oil rig.

A close look at the object shows at least 10 round lights circling the bottom – the only portion that is truly visible in the pH๏τo.

While the oil rigger said the other UFO was triangular, the only clue about its designed is how the three lights at its base are positioned.


While the oil rigger said the other UFO was triangular, the only clue about its designed is how the three lights at its base are positioned


No other parts of the craft can be seen as well.

An X user, covertress , told DailyMail.com that a member of the intelligence community told her that the triangular craft was the ‘Aurora’ craft rumored to have been developed by the US government in the mid-1980s.

The SR 91 Aurora, an ultra top-secret aircraft that has been in development since 1989, was believed to be the successor to the Mach 3.35 Lockheed Martin SR-71 Blackbird craft that was retired in 1998.

By comparison, extreme reports claim that Aurora could reach Mach 11.8.

However, there is no evidence the military plane was ever built or flown – suggesting the image captured above the oil rig could not be the top-secret warplane.

When Pat arrived in Tampico, he discovered the locals’ belief about an underwater alien base called Amupac, claiming the otherworldly beings are their protectors.

‘My rig only came here recently,’ he said. ‘It was after I discovered the local belief being so strong as regards aliens protecting them that I discussed with a guy who works as a liaison between our two rigs.

‘Then he told me about the encounters. He then sent me the images.’

The submerged base is said to sit a few miles off Miramar Beach and nearby communities believe their extraterrestrial visitors have sat below the surface, protecting them from natural disasters.

And a hurricane has not hit the region over the course of that time.

The legend began in 1967 when local news outlet the local El Sol de Tampico newspaper ran a story with the headline Platillos Voladores Sobre Tampico, or ‘Flying Saucers Over Tampico.’

The article stated that ‘thousands of inhabitants’ saw objects in the sky, quoting the local airport’s control tower officer who reportedly counted ‘nine unidentified objects.’

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