The story of Jesus’s birth, growth and crucifixion is one that has been told in many versions, scripted and acted in many movies, and taught in various languages of the world. Christians believe him to be the one true son of God – God the son.
What most followers of Christ and others around the world do not know, is that there is a viable account/story which proves that Jesus Christ’s story/person/character was copied from the ancient Black people of Kemet – the worship of the SUN, among many other ancient kinds of the literature of the then-spirituality.

Many Christians always get emotional when these facts in history/research are thrown up, and that can be understood. But here, we don’t intend to provoke anyone, but to teach the history of the Bible through alternate (and viable) facts.
You see, in Christianity, one is compelled to have “Blind Faith” which is just the same thing as “following a dogma without the right to ask questions when in doubt”. Blind faith removes the ability for one to use the mind. Here we will be using and minds and asking the right questions, and if that is not your thing, it’s okay to excuse us.

In the course of our research of the origin of Jesus Christ, we stumbled on ancient knowledge that points his story to sources in ancient Kemet (named Egypt by the Greeks), in motherland Africa. Being lovers of history and archaeology, we dug deeper to see other sources of the existence of Jesus Christ, and most of the sources (although not so popular) were pointing to the ancient Kemet spirituality among others.
An English-born American political activists and philosopher, who lived from 1737 to 1809, said the following about Jesus Christ: “The Christian religion is a parody of the worship of the sun, in which they put a man called Christ in the place of the sun, and pay him the adoration originally paid to the sun.”

So, as we continue, we will first talk about the origins of the Christian Bible, which will lead us to the origin of the person of Jesus.
The Bible – How The Romans (Europeans) Knocked It Together
Those who have studied true African and world history, can point to the fact that Bible was copied from various philosophies, stories, and teachings of the Kemetic spirituality.