Copper alloy statuette of the god Serapis Amun Agathodaemon. One of the rare preserved statues of thi deity.

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Statue of Serapis – Antalya Archaeological Museum
This marble statue of Serapis was found in Perge. It dates back to the 2nd century CE.

File:Statuette of Serapis Amun Agathodaemon at the National Archaeological  Museum of Athens on 4 July 2018.jpg - Wikimedia Commons

Serapis is a Graeco-Egyptian god. The cult of Serapis was introduced during the 3rd century BCE on the orders of Ptolemy I of Egypt as a means to unify the Greeks and Egyptians in his realm.

Marble statue of Serapis seated on a throne and resting one hand on  Cerberus, the triple headed hound who guarded the Underworld, about 100-200  AD, Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge

Serapis continued to increase in popularity during the Roman period, often replacing Osiris as the consort of Isis in temples outside Egypt. In 389, a Christian mob led by the Patriarch Theophilus of Alexandria destroyed the Alexandrian serapeum, but the cult survived until all forms of pagan religion were suppressed under Theodosius I in 391.

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The god was depicted as Greek in appearance, but with Egyptian trappings, and combined iconography from a great many cults, signifying both abundance and resurrection.

File:Detail of Pluto-Serapis, Statue group of Persephone (as Isis) and  Pluto (as Serapis), from the Sanctuary of the Egyptian Gods at Gortyna,  mid-2nd century AD, Heraklion Archaeological Museum (30305313721).jpg -  Wikimedia Commons

Statue group of Persephone (as Isis) and Pluto

Statue group of Persephone (as Isis) and Pluto (as Serapis… | Flickr

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