Historians Question Ancient Egyptian Origins of Great Pyramids: Monumental Structures Linked to Mysterious Lost Civilization! New Theories Suggest the Pyramids May Have Been Constructed by Unknown Advanced Builders! ‎

HISTORIANS has thrown doubt on the Ancient Egyptians ever having built the Great Pyramids of Giza instead claiming the monuments could have been built by a lost civilisation.

Why the Great Pyramids may have been built MUCH earlier than 10,000 years ago : r/AlternativeHistory

The authors of a forthcoming book investigating the only remaining wonder of the ancient world throw doubt on conventional thinking that it was the Ancient Egyptians that built the Pyramids at Giza around 2,500 BC.

Egyptology - Pyramid Construction - YouTube

Instead Gerry Cannon and Malcolm Hutton claim that the Sphinx in front of the pyramids must have been carved out of natural rock and long before any sand covered the area, meaning that at one time, long ago the area must have been fertile.

How the Ancient Egyptians Used Data to Build Pyramids | Atlan

Mr Cannon told Express.co.uk: “The Sphinx had to have been carved when there was no sand there. You can’t carve a rock when it’s under sand.

The Pyramids may not have been built by the Egyptians

“When it was not under sand was about 12,000 years ago and the Egyptians weren’t there.”

This would mean, according to the pair’s research, the pyramids and sphinxes were built at least 12,500 years ago which could have been before the start of the Ice Age.

How Were the Pyramids Built? Explore all Theories & Secrets

Conventional thinking about when the Pyramids of Giza were built date construction to between 2,560 to 2540 BC, a difference of around 10,000 years.

The significant time difference would mean that the artefacts were not built by the Ancient Egyptians, according to Mr Cannon.

Who Built The Pyramids Of Egypt? Inside The Historical Evidence

Mr Cannon, although not completely convinced, believes it could have been by the hands of the people of the advanced civilisation of Atlantis that was ultimately consumed by flooding.

He said: “The theories are, and I can believe them, that there was some advanced civilisation – and I can’t say they are 100 per cent right – that came to this planet tens of thousands of years ago.

The Great Pyramid at Giza

The Great Pyramid at Giza may have been built by people from Atlantis, a historian has claimed

“I’ve done some research and there’s a direct line from the pyramids to a submerged continent with a sea mount and on the sea mount there are two pinnacles that look like pyramids.

Pyramids How Were They Built Factory Sale | www.psicologiainpratica.it

“It’s possible, and I don’t say 100 per cent, that it’s Atlantis – when Atlantis sunk they went to another place, probably Egypt and they had the technology to build those pyramids. There’s no one else that could have done it, we don’t have the technology.

Atlantis Legend | National Geographic

“Nobody knows who was there 12,000 years ago. The three smaller pyramids at Giza probably were built by the Eygptians as they could be built by man but it’s impossible that the three bigger ones were, simply from the size of them – they’ve got 2,250,000 blocks in them and each block weighs about 250 tonnes, we couldn’t even move it with all the equipment we have today so it had to have been done by a civilisation that was more advanced than any of us.

The Great Pyramid at Giza in Egypt

Did people from the lost civilisation of Atlantis build the Pyramids at Giza?

“The Egyptians couldn’t have done it, they didn’t have the tools.”

However the word of Mr Cannon and others who have raised doubts regarding the Egyptians building the pyramids have been met with a brick wall by the Egyptian authorities who maintain the Ancient Egyptians built them.

Sunk Island in the Sahara Desert - ARCHAEOTRAVEL.eu

Mr Cannon said: “The Egyptians have their blinkers on and they won’t even look at anything else because all their work, all their books, all their history will be thrown out of the window and they are all against anyone that says anything different.

“There have been big problems. The Egyptians are adamant they built it.”


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