The Famine Stela: Chronicling the Seven Years’ Famine in Ancient Egypt

The Famine Stela, an ancient Egyptian inscription, offers a compelling narrative of the seven-year famine that afflicted Egypt during the reign of Pharaoh Djoser. Located on Sehel Island near Aswan, this granite stela not only provides a historical account of the famine but also highlights the divine intervention that ultimately led to the land’s recovery.

The pharaoh then entrusted his vizier ImH๏τep to investigate where the god of the Nile was born, who was in charge of causing the flood annually.

This, after consulting the archives in the temple of Thoth in Hermopolis, informs him that the rise of the Nile is the work of the god Khnum, who resides in a sacred spring on the island of Elephantine.

ImH๏τep travels to the temple of Khnum in Elephantine and while praying to the god he has a dream. In it, Khnum is introduced to him and describes his divine powers.

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