This 3,000-Year-Old Egyptian Pharaoh Statue Has Just Resurfaced In Cairo, Leaving Experts Astounded. ‎

Archaeologists are saying the statue of Ramses II is “one of the most important” recent discoveries in Egypt

Workers excavate a quartzite colossus of Ramses II and limestone bust of Seti II. Ibrahim Ramadan/Anadolu Agency/Getty Images

The sculptures were found in the Matariya neighborhood of the city, which has been built over the remains of the ancient city of Heliopolis. Their close proximity to the ruins of Ramses II’s sun temple—one of the largest of its kind in Egypt, and twice the size of the the Temple of Karnak in Luxor—has given archeologists strong reason to believe the larger sculpture is a representation of the King.

On the significance of Heliopolis, and any objects uncovered from its ruins, Ikram told NBC the city is “one of the most important religious places in ancient Egyptian history. It is the birthplace of the Sun God and indeed of Egypt and its civilization in terms of Egyptian mythology.”

Dietrich Raue, who is leading the German archaeological team, echoed Ikram by saying, “According to the pharaonic belief, the world was created in Matariya.”

Watch the excavation of the giant sculpture of Ramses II in a video via the Guardian.

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