A huge skull more than three meters high from 37,000 years ago was found in Sri Lanka

The examination of the skeleton of the recently found pre-historic man in Sri Lanka is believed to be 37,000 years old, an official from the Archeological Department said on Wednesday.Director General of the Archaeological Department Senarath Dissanayaka told Xinhua that the skeleton of the Balangoda human ancestor found in the underground Fa-Hien cave in western Sri Lanka is to be sent for carbon dating to the Unites States

Aunty with the last of her elephants, Kandy“The evidence so far found has proved that the skeleton belongs to 37,000 years ago,” Dissanayake said.

“We also have invited a team of British experts to come down to Sri Lanka to examine the skeleton,” he said.

With the excavation, more evidence was found about the ‘ Balangoda man’ including his food items, rituals and also the stone tool he made.

Sri Lankan archeologists also have found some ornaments made of beads and weapons made of animal bone.

This is the first time that a full human skeleton as old as this has been found, the Archeological Department said.

The excavation of the cave, named after the Chinese Buddhist monk Fa-Hien, who said to have traveled to Sri Lanka between 399 and 412 to acquire Buddhist scriptures had been carried out after Pleistocene human skeletal remains discovered from the site in 1986.

The cave has contained some earliest evidence of anatomically modern humans in South Asia. The excavations at the cave in Bulathsinhala, 60 km away from capital Colombo confirmed that Homo sapiens had settled in Sri Lanka 40,000 years ago.

Animals are a group of multicellular, eukaryotic organisms, classified as the kingdom Animalia in the five kingdom classification system. Their base can grow as it grows. Most objects have the ability to move spontaneously and independently. Most of the best known animal phyla appeared fossilized during the Cambrian Explosion, about 542 million years ago.

Animals are divided into several subgroups, some of which are vertebrates (birds, mammals, amphibians, reptiles, fish); molluscs (clams, slugs, slugs, squid, slugs); arthropods (rolls, centipedes, antiseptics, spiders, scorpions, lobsters, shrimp); helminths (earthworms, leeches); sea and foam jellyfish. The word “animal” comes from the Latin word animal, which means “to breathe”.

Animals are generally considered to have evolved from an eukaryotic flagellum. Their closest known relative is Choanoflagellatea. Molecular research places animals in a supergroup known as opisthokonta (posterior flagellates), along with choanoflagellates, fungi, and several small parasitic protozoa.

The name comes from the location of flagella in motile cells, like sperm in most animals, while other eukaryotes have anterior flagella. The first fossils thought to be animals appear in the Trezona Formation, west of Central Flinders, South Australia.

These fossils are considered to be the first sponges. They were found in 665 million years old rock. The next fossil could be the oldest animal found in the Precambrian period, about 610 million years ago.

This fossil is hardly related to the fossils that follow it. However, this fossil may represent an animal precursor to present-day animals, but they could also be a separate group or not even real animals.

Animals have several unique characteristics that separate them from other living things. Animals are eukaryotic and multicellular, which separates them from bacteria and most unicellular organisms. Animals live heterotrophically, digesting food in their bodies, separating them from plants and algae.

They also differ from plants in that they lack a rigid cell wall. All animals can move, at least for one life stage. In most animals, the embryo undergoes the blastula stage, a distinct stage characteristic of animals.

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