Alien Hunting Group Announces Discovery of 20 Meter High Individual in Antarctica ‎

On February 28, 2024, a group claiming to be alien monster hunters made a startling announcement: they discovered a 20-meter-tall humanoid in Antarctica. This humanoid, which they nicknamed the “Antarctic Giant”, is believed to be frozen in the ice near the South Pole.

This discovery was made by members of the “Alien Disclosure Team”, a group that claims to have been in contact with alien beings for decades. According to this group, the giant humanoid was discovered by a research team using satellite images. Researchers were reportedly studying the area for signs of alien activity when they discovered the giant humanoid.

The group claims that the figure is about 20 meters (65 feet) tall and has a human-like shape. They also claim that the figure had large almond-shaped eyes and a bald head. The group has not released any pH๏τos or videos of the humanoid, but they have provided a detailed description of its appearance.

If the Alien Disclosure Group’s claims are true, the discovery of the Antarctic Giant would be a major scientific breakthrough. It will provide concrete evidence of the existence of alien life and will open a new chapter in human history.

However, this group’s statement was met with skepticism from the scientific community. Many scientists believe that this group is mistaken or intentionally misleading the public. There is no scientific evidence to support the existence of Antarctic Giants and the group has not presented any concrete evidence to support their claims.

The discovery of the Antarctic Giant is a fascinating story that has attracted the attention of people worldwide. However, it’s important to remember that the Alien Disclosure Team’s claims have not been verified. Until more evidence is presented, the existence of the Antarctic Giants remains a mystery.

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