Mummified head of a woman from Thebes

Mummified head of a woman from Thebes

Mummified head of a woman (momie de femme), discovered at Thebes in 1799. She dates from between the New Kingdom Period and Late Period (when the last Native rulers of Ancient Egypt held power), c.1550 – 332 B.C. Musée du Louvre. E 3442

In ancient Egypt, it was common for individuals, both men and women, to be mummified and have their natural hair preserved. The ancient Egyptians placed great importance on personal grooming and appearance, even in the afterlife. As a result, the hair of mummified individuals was often carefully styled and maintained.

Mummified Head of a woman from Thebes
The preservation of natural hair in mummified remains provides valuable insights into ancient Egyptian hairstyles, hair care practices, and cultural norms surrounding beauty. These mummified individuals with their natural hair offer a glimpse into the diverse hairstyles and hair types that existed in ancient Egypt.

Mummified head of a woman from egyptian 18th dynasty.Probably a theban  queen. The mummified head is in the collection of the Museo de Antropología  Médica, Foren…

In ancient Egypt, mummification was a complex and intricate process that aimed to preserve the body for the afterlife. When it comes to the hair of the deceased, it was typically left intact and preserved as part of the mummification process.

The natural hair of the deceased was considered an important aspect of their idenтιтy and was often styled and adorned with various accessories. It was believed that the individual’s hair would continue to grow in the afterlife, so it was left undisturbed during the mummification process.

To ensure the preservation of the hair, embalmers would carefully clean and treat it with oils or resins. Sometimes, the hair would be braided or styled in specific ways, reflecting the individual’s social status or personal preferences. These hairstyles can provide valuable insights into the fashion and cultural practices of ancient Egypt.


The natural hair of the deceased was respected and preserved during the mummification process, reflecting the significance placed on personal appearance and idenтιтy in ancient Egyptian culture.

It’s worth noting that there are various mummies and artifacts from ancient Egypt that have been discovered and studied, each with its own unique characteristics and historical significance.

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