3,300-Year-Old Ancient Tomb Related To Queen Neferтιтi Recently Discovered And Explored In Turkey

This strange new ancient tomb was recently uncovered in Turkey which already makes this quite rare already, but what really stood out to the experts here is the fact that it points towards this all being dedicated to Queen Neferтιтi.

The whole tomb is littered with signs and symbols which mention Queen Neferтιтi and after some time had pᴀssed and the expert linguists managed to decipher the stories told here the team was baffled

This is all revolutionary content, as we’ve never heard of this story before regarding Queen Neferтιтi, her followers, and her husband.

The story is written from the point of view of her followers, as we follow their attempts to see whether her husband is trustworthy. That is when they realize the fact that he works for the corruption prlesthood amun.

In order to save her before she could be polsoned or attacked by her husband, her followers end up ᴀssᴀssinating her husband.

This tomb appears to date back to 1,300 BC or so and it tells us a whole new story regarding the ancient Amarna imperial family to say the least.

The statues inside of this tomb also heavily resemble pharaoh akhenaten too which proves the fact that this had inspirations from that branch.

This is unfortunately not queen Neferтιтi’s tomb, but it is quite an interesting attrition to the history of Dark Journalism though.

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