This is supposedly over 1 Million Years old Drill bit found in coal seam. It was buried under more than two meters of clay. Its origin and age have puzzled scientists. John Buchanan shared his discovery with the Scottish Society of Antiquaries on December 13, 1852, where it was closely examined and discussed.
Based on the age of the coal, the tool is thought to be over a million years old. He said: “I quite agree in the generally received geological view, that the coal was formed long before man was introduced upon this planet; but the puzzle is, how this implement, confessedly of human hands, should have found its way into the coal seam, overlaid as the latter was by a heavy mᴀss of diluvium and boulders.” Some people thought the tool found was part of a broken drill left from earlier coal mining. But Buchanan’s detailed report doesn’t mention any break in the coal around it. His description suggests that the tool was fully sealed in coal when it was found.
This discovery sparked interest not only among scientists but also in the public. It became a topic of discussion among scientists and drew the attention of historians, archaeologists, and anthropologists. Many theories and ideas were suggested to explain these “out of place artifacts.” The project was led by Robert Lindsay, a well-known architect and builder who pays great attention to detail.
His apprentice and nephew, Robert Lindsay Jr., discovered a drill three meters underground, surprisingly encased in a block of coal. After it was dug up and cleaned, the tool was shown to many villagers, who were both puzzled and amazed by it. Buchanan gathered statements from five workers who witnessed the tool’s discovery. According to Buchanan, the coal was far older than human civilization, making the presence of the iron tool remarkable. He strongly believed the witnesses and pushed for more research into how this tool ended up so deep underground. His confidence in the find adds a fascinating mystery to the history of ancient civilizations.