Light Bulbs of Ancient Egypt

Ancient Egyptians made electric light bulbs or hieroglyphs, during 2250 BCE as seen in Dendera-Hathor Temple. They had Direct Current (DC) Baghdad battery.
light bulbs in ancient egypt

Many researchers in history have brought evidences forward that challenge or even destroy orthodox beliefs. Erich Von Daniken is one of those researchers bringing revelations such as the Ancient Egyptian Light bulb into the light challenging the orthodox belief that Thomas Edison invented the light bulb and Direct Current.

In September 1996 the American Broadcasting Company (ABC) aired a documentary based on Erich’s book, “Chariots of the Gods?” enтιтled, “Chariots of the Gods? The mystery continues”.

Within the documentary dramatic video footage was shown that revealed hieroglyphs in central Egypt that resembled a transparent glᴀss tube with a form within it that had the likings of a serpent, obviously representing some kind of light source.

Erich was curious if it worked, so he took extensive notes of these hieroglyphs and had the light bulb built to “ancient Egyptian” specifications. When powered up, it emitted light.
It was indeed a light bulb and it worked.
The ancient Egyptians also had a Direct Current (DC) battery.
light bulbs in ancient egypt

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