Bizarre pH๏τos show mᴀssive saucer-shaped ‘UFO’ being hauled down desert road by a tractor trailer baffling onlookers

AN object shaped like a giant UFO has been spotted along a highway, shocking pᴀssengers who drove beside it.

PH๏τos have emerged of the UFO-like object being transported on a truck in Argentina.

An object shaped like a huge UFO was transported on a truck in Argentina

An object shaped like a huge UFO was transported on a truck in Argentina
The object was spotted along a highway, shocking pᴀssengers who drove beside it

The object was spotted along a highway, shocking pᴀssengers who drove beside it

The dome-shaped object was spotted on a highway between the towns of Andacollo and Chos Malal, which is southwest of Buenos Aires.

The large “UFO” was strapped to the vehicle, as another pᴀssenger filmed the strange sighting.

Those who saw what looked like a flying saucer were confused by what they saw.

While some thought it had come from aliens others were sure that it was a piece of equipment.

“Could it be commercial equipment or a real UFO?” one person asked.

“It is a telecommunications antenna,” another person guessed.

“The Argentine economy must be really bad to carry an intact UFO on the roads in plain sight,” A third person said.

“They obviously don’t have a military plane to transport it?” another person wrote.

“It looks like some type of spotlight.

Those who saw what looked like a flying saucer were confused

Those who saw what looked like a flying saucer were confused
The dome object was seen strapped to a truck in Argentina

The dome object was seen strapped to a truck in Argentina
Many were left guessing what the object could be

Many were left guessing what the object could be
A person pH๏τographed the strange dome that appeared to be a UFO

A person pH๏τographed the strange dome that appeared to be a UFO

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