“They are getting closer”: Spy drone captured a cylindrical UFO

The footage shows a mysterious UFO dubbed “the Ghost of Baghdad” moving across the screen from left to right. They were taken from video recorded by a thermal camera on a US Air Force (USAF) Reaper drone in May 2022.

A source with knowledge of the incident said the object was marked at a USAF warehouse as an “unidentified aerial phenomenon” – the government’s preferred term for UFOs – due to its strange characteristics.

Fast-moving craft run on propulsion systems like rockets or engines that generate heat, but the thermal camera that filmed the object showed it to be colder (darker) than its surroundings.

It also had no visible wings or fins, which likely ruled it out as a glider or missile. However, it seemed to be under “intelligent control.”

The footage was leaked to journalist and documentary filmmaker Jeremy Corbell and investigative journalist George Knapp, who posted it just after midnight yesterday on Weaponized , their new podcast.

“What George and I have discovered is Reaper drone footage over an active war zone. It shows an anomalous object that has been designated a UAP by our own Air Force,”

“Like our government, we as journalists are curious about what can be seen here.” The military coordinates in the lower right give the location of the drone video as northeastern Iraq, near Baghdad.

Corbell added that the material was leaked by frustrated members of the USAF who claim that a significant number of UFO incidents are being “buried” and not shared with the appropriate intelligence agencies, such as the new Office of Anomaly Resolution of All. the Domains (AARO).

Recent US legislation requires AARO to collect information on UAP incidents from the Department of Defense and the intelligence community.

But Christopher Mellon, a former deputy ᴀssistant secretary of defense for intelligence, criticized the Air Force a year ago for allegedly not cooperating and covering up incidents.

“The Navy was remarkably helpful, while the Air Force remained remarkably unhelpful, if not hostile, to investigations on the subject,” he wrote

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