Unveiling UFO Prototypes and Top-Secret US Aircraft Technology

Tom Keller, a seasoned aerospace engineer who previously served as a computer systems analyst at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, has revealed…

Unveiling UFO Prototypes and Top-Secret US Aircraft Technology

1 : “Inside the Skunk Works (Lockheed’s secret research and development enтiтy), we were a small, intensely cohesive group consisting of about fifty veteran engineers and designers and a hundred or so expert machinists and shop workers. Our forte was building technologically advanced airplanes of small number and of high class for highly secret missions.”

2 : “We already have the means to travel among the stars, but these technologies are locked up in black projects, and it would take an act of God to ever get them out to benefit humanity. Anything you can imagine, we already know how to do.”

3 : “We now have the technology to take Et home. No, it won’t take someone’s lifetime to do it. there is an error in the equations. We know what it is. We now have the capability to travel to the stars. first, you have to understand that we will not get to the stars using chemical propulsion. Second, we have to devise a new propulsion technology. What we have to do is find out where Einstein went wrong.”

4 : When Rich was asked how UfO propulsion worked, he said, “Let me ask you. How does ESP work?” the questioner responded with, “All points in time and space are connected?” Rich then said, “that’s how it works!” Ben Rich Lockheed former Director knew of extraterrestrial UfO visitors

Lockheed „Skunk Works“ former director knew the Roswell extraterrestrial UfO influenced designs of testor model kits for Roswell UfO models, and U.S. top secret aircraft.

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