Ancient Romans were drinking water from ‘poisonous’ lead pipes around 200 years earlier than thought

One of the most impressive achievements of the Roman Empire – with its powerful armies, ambitious architectural feats and impressive reach – was its plumbing system.

The ability to bring fresh water to people in cities from hundreds of miles away helped thousands of ancient Romans, and it still remains controversial whether or not lead in the pipes was the cause of their downfall.

But thanks to a new study, we now know the Romans started using lead in their pipes much earlier than we first thought.

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Ancient Romans were drinking water from ‘poisonous’ lead pipes around 200 years earlier than thought

Ancient Roman lead pipes found in Ostia Antica. The ability to bring fresh water to people in cities from hundreds of miles away helped thousands of ancient Romans, and it still remains controversial whether or not lead in the pipes was the cause of their downfall


The ability to bring fresh water to people in cities from hundreds of miles away helped thousands of ancient Romans, and it still remains controversial whether or not lead in the pipes was the cause of their downfall.

But thanks to a new study, we now know the Romans started using lead in their pipes much earlier than we first thought.

Examining the lead in the soil, the team found that in Ostia there was a sudden influx of lead in 200 BC, around the same time Rome’s expansion began.

Previous evidence of lead pipes only dated back to 11 BC, meaning the new evidence shows ancient Rome used lead almost 200 years earlier than we thought.


An archaeologist at the National Center for Scientific Research in France, Dr Hugo Delile led a study into the lead content in soil cores taken from two harbours in Rome.

These harbours, called Ostia and Portus, would have been the end of journey for some of the water running through the lead pipes, after it was disposed of into the Tiber River.

In the new paper, the team describe how water inside these pipes would pick up lead particles.

When the water reached the harbour, the lead would sink, and this would create layers of the toxic compound in the soil.

Examining the lead in the soil, the team found that in Ostia there was a sudden influx of lead in 200 BC, around the same time Rome’s expansion began.

Previous evidence of lead pipes only dated back to 11 BC, meaning the new evidence shows ancient Rome used lead almost 200 years earlier than we thought.

Then study also showed the lead levels dropped by about 50 per cent during a civil war in the first century BC, before increasing again.

‘ [Augustus’]… progressive defeat of his rivals during the 30s BCE allowed his future son-in-law, Agrippa, to take control of Rome’s water supply by 33 BCE,’ the authors say.

Pictured are Ostia Antica ruins, near Rome, Italy. Examining the lead in the soil, the team found that in Ostia there was a sudden influx of lead in 200 BC, around the same time Rome¿s expansion began

Pictured are Ostia Antica ruins, near Rome, Italy. Examining the lead in the soil, the team found that in Ostia there was a sudden influx of lead in 200 BC, around the same time Rome’s expansion began

The House of Diana in the port of Ostia, made up of apartments with shops on the ground floor, 2nd century. Examining the lead in the soil, the team found that in Ostia there was a sudden influx of lead in 200 BC, around the same time Rome¿s expansion began

The House of Diana in the port of Ostia, made up of apartments with shops on the ground floor, 2nd century. Examining the lead in the soil, the team found that in Ostia there was a sudden influx of lead in 200 BC, around the same time Rome’s expansion began

Research suggests Romans started using lead in their pipes much earlier than we first thought. Pictured is an original Roman lead pipe from Pompeii

Research suggests Romans started using lead in their pipes much earlier than we first thought. Pictured is an original Roman lead pipe from Pompeii


Lead poisoning is caused by increased levels of lead in the body, which is toxic to many organs and tissues, including the heart, bones and kidneys.

Symptoms include abdominal pain, confusion, headaches, irritability and can result in seizures, coma and death.

Some historians claim that as lead levels in water drank by powerful and wealthy Romans were high, leaders were incapacitated or killed off, which helped lead to the decline of the Roman empire. However, this latest study largely disproves their theory.

There is ongoing debate as to what happened to the Roman Empire in the 4th and 5th centuries but many include the disintegration of political, military, economic and social insтιтutions combined with invasions at the peripheries of the sprawling empire.

Jerome Nriagu, a geochemist, argued in a 1983 book that ‘lead poisoning contributed to the decline of the Roman empire.’

His work centred on the fact that the Romans had few sweeteners besides honey and often made a syrup called defrutum or sapa in lead pots to sweeten wine and food, leading to the creation of lead acetate – as well as drinking water carried in lead pipes and bathing in it in municipal baths.

He calculated the level of lead that wealthy Romans consumed and linked the findings to levels of the metal found in preserved bones.

However, his work proved controversial and has been criticised by leading historians.


‘Over the next 30 years, they repaired and extended the existing aqueduct and fistulae system, as well as built an unprecedented three new aqueducts, leading to renewed increase in [lead] pollution of the Tiber river.’

The lead levels dropped again after 250 AD, when Rome stopped maintaining its pipe system as its economy declined.

The ‘receding [lead] contamination corresponds to the apparent decline of [lead] and [silver] mining and of overall economic activity in the Roman Empire,’ the authors say.

Here is an original lead pipe from the Roman Baths in England. Previous evidence of lead pipes only dated back to 11 BC, meaning the new evidence shows ancient Rome used lead almost 200 years earlier than we thought

Here is an original lead pipe from the Roman Baths in England. Previous evidence of lead pipes only dated back to 11 BC, meaning the new evidence shows ancient Rome used lead almost 200 years earlier than we thought

These harbours, called Ostia (pictured) and Portus, would have been the end of journey for some of the water running through the lead pipes, after it was disposed of into the Tiber River

These harbours, called Ostia (pictured) and Portus, would have been the end of journey for some of the water running through the lead pipes, after it was disposed of into the Tiber River

Past research has suggested that the lead used to create the Roman water pipes in cities such as Pontus and Ostia Antica (pictured) had harmful effects on public health, and may even have contributed to the society¿s downfall ¿ but, many since refuted the idea

Past research has suggested that the lead used to create the Roman water pipes in cities such as Pontus and Ostia Antica (pictured) had harmful effects on public health, and may even have contributed to the society’s downfall – but, many since refuted the idea

Whether or not lead from these pipes poisoned the ancient Romans is still up for discussion.

Past research has suggested that the lead used to create the Roman water pipes had harmful effects on public health, and may even have contributed to the society’s downfall – but, many since refuted the idea.

Last month, a study on a metal fragment from Pompeii revealed the presence of the ‘acutely toxic’ element antimony, which made the water ‘decidedly hazardous,’ with risk of vomiting and diarrhea, liver and kidney damage, and even cardiac arrest.

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