Ballerina (2025) is a high-octane action thriller set in the John Wick universe. The story follows Eve Macarro, played by Ana de Armas, a trained ballerina and ᴀssᴀssin on a revenge-driven mission. After her family is brutally murdered, Eve embarks on a relentless quest to track down the culprits. Guided by “The Director” (Anjelica Huston), who oversees a secret organization of ᴀssᴀssins, Eve’s journey plunges her deep into the violent underworld of skilled killers.
The film is set between the events of John Wick: Chapter 3 – Parabellum and Chapter 4. In the trailer, Eve’s character is shown balancing the grace of her ballet training with lethal combat skills, making her a uniquely formidable force. As she hunts down the murderers, she must confront various dangerous figures within the ᴀssᴀssin world, leading to intense, beautifully choreographed action sequences that are a hallmark of the John Wick franchise.
Keanu Reeves returns as John Wick, along with Ian McShane as Winston, the manager of The Continental, the infamous ᴀssᴀssin H๏τel. Their roles provide continuity with the wider John Wick universe while introducing fresh dynamics through Eve’s personal story of vengeance and survival. The film explores themes of loyalty, betrayal, and the pursuit of justice in a violent, unforgiving world.
Directed by Len Wiseman and written by Shay Hatten, Ballerina combines stylish action with emotional depth, expanding the John Wick universe while spotlighting a new, powerful protagonist. With its fast-paced narrative and visually striking fight choreography, the movie is poised to be a standout entry in the franchise, delivering both intense action and a strong character-driven storyline