Hitman (2025) follows Agent 47 (Jason Statham) as he takes on one of his most dangerous and personal contracts yet. The story begins with Agent 47 being hired to eliminate a powerful international arms dealer who is secretly funding a global network of ᴀssᴀssins. However, the mission takes a shocking turn when 47 discovers that the target is connected to his own mysterious past, forcing him to confront buried secrets about his origins and the organization that created him.
The film is packed with intense action sequences, including a high-speed car chase through the streets of Tokyo, a stealthy infiltration of a Dubai skyscraper, and a climactic showdown in a remote European castle. Along the way, 47 must outsmart rival ᴀssᴀssins and navigate a web of betrayal, ultimately uncovering a conspiracy that threatens the entire world. The movie ends with a thrilling twist, leaving the door open for future installments.
The production budget for Hitman (2025) was approximately $100 million, with much of it spent on international locations, elaborate stunts, and cutting-edge visual effects. The film is projected to earn over $500 million globally, making it a financial success and one of the most successful video game adaptations to date