The Cosquer Cave, located in Cap Morgiou near Marseille, France, lies approximately 37 meters (121 feet) underwater, with its entrance submerged as well. This intriguing underwater setting indicates that there once was a time when sea levels were significantly lower, permitting prehistoric humans to access the cave without any diving gear.
Within the cave’s depths, there are around 600 artistic creations, including both paintings and carvings.
The artwork predominantly depicts various animals such as horses, bison, ibex, seals, and a mulтιтude of hand stencils. These ancient representations offer priceless glimpses into the lives and beliefs of Upper Paleolithic societies that inhabited the region.
Due to its underwater entrance and the delicate nature of its contents, access to the cave is strictly controlled, necessitating special permissions for any scientific exploration or research. Recent initiatives have focused on studying and preserving the cave and its important cultural legacy