Predator 6: Wasteland (2025) is the highly anticipated continuation of the Predator franchise, plunging audiences into a desolate, post-apocalyptic Earth where survival is the ultimate battle. In this installment, Dwayne Johnson stars as the lead character, a hardened survivor navigating the wasteland, where the rules of the past no longer apply.
The story follows a small group of survivors as they struggle to rebuild society amid the chaos of a broken world, only to find themselves hunted by a new breed of Predator, more relentless and brutal than ever before. As the hunt intensifies, the survivors must use every ounce of their survival skills to evade the ᴅᴇᴀᴅly extraterrestrial predator stalking them.
The teaser trailer showcases intense action, suspenseful moments, and brutal encounters as the Predator closes in on its prey in a world where human civilization has crumbled. The film promises to expand the Predator universe with a thrilling narrative set in a dystopian future, blending traditional survival horror with the terrifying, high-tech warfare that the Predator franchise is known for.
Predator 6: Wasteland is set to bring an exciting new chapter to the franchise, filled with explosive action, heart-pounding suspense, and a deeper exploration of the iconic Predator’s terrifying legacy.