The film centers on Dylan Forrester (Scott Eastwood), an ex-convict and former sociopath struggling to live a normal life after his release from prison. Dylan is on parole, attending therapy, and taking medication to manage his violent tendencies. He receives guidance from his quirky psychiatrist, Dr. Alderwood (Mel Gibson), who helps him control his inner demons.
Dylan’s life changes when he learns that his brother has died under mysterious circumstances on a remote island. Determined to find out what really happened, Dylan breaks parole and heads to the island. Once there, he reunites with his estranged family during the funeral, but his plans for a quiet investigation are quickly interrupted by the arrival of a group of mercenaries led by the ruthless Cole (Kevin Durand).
Cole and his men are after a hidden treasure on the island, and they are willing to kill anyone who stands in their way. Dylan, still struggling with his violent impulses, must protect his family and stop the mercenaries from escaping with the treasure. Along the way, he confronts his past and comes to terms with the man he once was, while also seeking redemption for his previous crimes