Dirty Grandpa 2 takes the chaotic humor of the original to a whole new level. The sequel follows Jason Kelly (Zac Efron), now a stressed-out father and successful entrepreneur, who is juggling his new family life. His wild grandfather, Dick Kelly (Robert De Niro), shows up uninvited, declaring that Jason has become “too boring” and needs a break.
Dick tricks Jason into joining him on a supposed business trip to Cancun, which quickly devolves into a bachelor party gone wrong. The duo stumbles upon an elite party group led by a cocky influencer (played by Pete Davidson), sparking a rivalry that leads to a series of outrageous pranks, drinking contests, and awkward run-ins with the law.
The chaos intensifies when Dick inadvertently disrupts a cartel deal, dragging Jason into a high-stakes chase across the city. Amid the madness, Jason learns to embrace spontaneity again, while Dick faces a surprising romantic subplot with a vivacious older partygoer (portrayed by Jane Fonda).
The film concludes with a wild showdown on a luxury yacht, where the pair must outsmart their rivals and the cartel. Ultimately, Jason reconnects with his carefree side, while Dick realizes the value of family, ending on a heartfelt yet hilariously inappropriate note